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Song playing:
I Can't Make You Love Me
by Dave Thomas Junior


He held his pillow close to his chest and bury his face into it. His chest were heaving up and down as he tried to catch his breath and silent his grizzle. He is drowning, not in tears, but in pain and vulnerability. His chest feels so tight that it felt like someone just carved deep into his soul and ripped his rib cage wide open and snatch his heart away.

It felt as if there wasn't enough oxygen in the atmosphere. His chest hurt from uncontrollable sobbing followed by gulping for air. His chest felt constricted and unable to expand enough to fill his lungs.

It hurts. 

It hurts to breathe.

And it hurts your mind wondering and finding million of reasons what's lacking in yourself that it seemed that your greatly not enough.

"Jimin-ah, are you okay?" His roommate asked out of nowhere who probably just woke up as his voice were deep and a little bit raspy. Jimin immediately wiped his tears clean and shot up from his previous position. He sat on his bed and faced Yoongi.

"Yes hyung, of course. Why wouldn't I be?" He stated as he strived to dart a wide smile while wishing that the older would believe him. The older male stared at him weirdly as he eyed the visible dried tears that stained. 

Jimin awkwardly laughed.

"If you say so. But don't forget that whenever you have a problem, you can always count on me. " Yoongi said with eyes half open and yawn as he take steps towards his bed. Jimin snorted and chuckled.

"More like I'll be there to sleep on you." Yoongi stared at him blankly as he scratch the back of his neck and soon glared at him. 

"I'm offended little one."

Jimin eyes grew a little bit wider as he dramatically gasp. He scoffed and narrowed his eyes. "I'm not little, hyung!"

The younger of the two exclaim as his pink pouty lips form an adorable pout.

"Sure. Whatever makes you comfortable, little one." The older male mumbled as he wrapped a blanket around him and closed his eyes.

Jimin stared at Yoongi's back and held his head down. He sighed and looked out the open window as cold night breeze caresses his flesh sending chills down to his spine. He stared at the airspace who's still filled with twinkling stars like a dispersed moondust illuminating the sky. 

"I like you, Jimin hyung but not the same way you look at me. Besides, I like someone... else." He mumbled as his eyes diverted to the silver haired male.

 Tears slipped his eyes in which he immediately wiped with the back of his hand. What does he lacks? Is he ugly or is he annoying? What's not enough? 

But the more Jimin thinks of it, he not actually lacking. There's a lot of people who like him. It's just that he's just a nobody to him.

It's just that he can't make him love him if he don't and he don't have the power to make his  heart feel something. It won't. Unless if he was bewitched and has fallen in love.

He was way too ethereal and perfect and it hurts that he's not mine.

"I swear to the camels that If I still witness even a single drop of tears in that ugly face of yours or even hear you sob and cry for the same reason, I'm casting you into the toilet bowl." Yoongi said, his back facing Jimin. The younger male bit his lips and tears overflowed from his hazel orbs. He tried hard to supressed it but he can't. He can't handle since his emotions were already piled up.

  Yoongi heaved a heavy sigh and stood up from his bed and took a few step closer to hug Jimin.

"Everything's going to be alright."

"Hyung, I really love him. What should I do?"

"Shed a tear but don't you tear yourself."

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