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He lowered his cap even more and wore his hoodie and his mask on. He gathered his things and walked out of the cafe. And just as if heavens or genies heard his wish, a guy suddenly come up to him and approach him.

"Jimin hyung! It's you, right?"

Jimin looked around, unsure if the stranger in front of him is actually talking to him but there is no one around him since every person around are just walking.

He looked at the guy weirdly and thought that the guy strangely looked so familiar. Too familiar. His face, his voice and even his scent. Just everything about him is oddly so familiar, Jimin just can't put his finger on the identity of the man in front of him.

What bothered him the most and find so damn extremely odd is the fact that the man seems to know him so well that even he is literally covered, he was still recognized by this stranger person. He thought of maybe this stranger is just pulling sick tricks to him and pranks or maybe the guy just thought he was someone else. But his name is really Jimin.

There's no way that anyone could tell it's him, even the sasaengs could never. But if this guy could, then there's possibility that others could recognize him too.

Jimin is wearing his baby blue hoodie and a tight washed out ripped jeans. He has his cap on and a mask too. He even wear his his eye glasses. So there's literally just 2% of someone actually recognizing that it's him, Park Jimin. A member of that popular and global superstar kpop group, BTS.

Jimin stood awkwardly infront of the stranger as the latter keeps looking at him, scanning him. The stranger smiled at him, showing his perfect set of white teeth and cute dimples just a little bit lower from his eyes, just in his cheekbones. Unique. In which Jimin find absolutely cute and familiar at the same time.

"Who the hell is this guy? Even his smile is so damn familiar." Jimin mentally asked himself.

He awkwardly bowed at the smiling guy and was about to walk but the guy stood in front of him, completely blocking his way. He mentally rolled his eyes. "The is guys is so adorably clingy." He noted.

The man bended his body as he pocketed his hands inside his pocket, his face about 3 cm away from Jimin's. He stares directly at Jimin amber eyes, as if he's studying him. Jimin won't deny that his heart somewhat fluttered and his cheeks are getting hotter by his actions. His breath hitched, too.

It's no secret that Jimin is gay. He is attracted to guys and that's no wonder. And no matter how in love Jimin to Jungkook, he still feel flustered to any handsome guy he interacts with and that will come his way especially if that guy's face is just 3cm away from his. It's inevitable not to blush and feel butterflies in his stomach explode.

He mentally slapped his face and came back to the reality. He softly pushed the guy by his hard rock chest and cleared his throat.

"It's you, hyung. Right?" The guy asked as he straightened his hands still in his pocket and eyes still boring into Jimin's amber ones and his soul.

"I'm sorry but you must have the wrong person." Jimin stated and bowed to him again. He walked past the guy but the stranger grabbed his wrist and turned him around which made Jimin shooked and gasped. The stranger grabbed him by the waist, pulling him closer to his body, which made Jimin's eyes grew bigger. This gesture gained weird looks from people passing by.

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