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Suddenly a loud bang echoed through the whole room and an upset a high pitch voice rang through their ears.

"Kim Taehyung, I swear to the camels and fucking unicorns that you don't have any fucking idea how worr-"

Jimin halted on his steps and his eyes were wide shocked. His heart is beating fast and he felt a burning and tingling sensation in his whole system. Taehyung told him. He told him he doesn't have feelings for Jungkook but why?

He really don't want to doubt his bestfriend just because of his feelings for the maknae. But what if, maybe Taehyung really does have a feeling for Jungkook. He just don't want to hurt Jimin that's why he told he doesn't have feeling for the maknae.

Seeing them kissing, it somewhat makes Jimin mad or maybe is this the thing they call jealousy. But who is he to be mad or even get jealous about them kissing though? He is just a nobody to Jungkook's life. He is not even Jungkook's boyfriend.

He is just nobody while Taehyung has a place in Jungkook's heart. The maknae loves Taehyung as a bandmate, as a friend and even romantically. Taehyung is somebody to Jungkook.

After seeing Jimin, Taehyung immediately pushed Jungkook off of him and wiped his lips. He glared at Jungkook. "Jimin-ah, it's not what you think it is." Taehyung said as he looked at Jimin trying to convince Jimin.

The last thing he wants is to hurt his bestfriend again. To see him broken, crying and in pain, he doesn't want to see Jimin in that state especially if the reason is him. He hated it.

Jungkook just stood there. Hurt with how Taehyung pushed him away from him. He glares at Jimin. He hated him as he is always the hindrance why Taehyung can't be his.

Jimin giggled. "Silly, don't be shy you know. You both are adults already. It's normal for adults to kiss." He have to act like it doesn't affects him. He have to because this may be the last time that he'll pretend being fine.

He's so tired already. He's tired of holding on to something that's not even his. For once, he wanted to be someone who is being held on.

He wanted to feel special, too. He wanted to know how does it feels like to have someone who's scared to lose him and cry for him when he is lost.

He don't want to be seen crying by his bestfriend and the maknae so he gathered all his energy and composed himsef.

"Oh, sorry to interrupt. Mianhae! You can continue." Jimin said as he wiggled his eyebrows. Taehyung looked at Jimin with his brows knitted. He knows deep inside that he just hurt his bestfriend right at this moment. Jimin gently closed the door and sighed. A bead of tear rolled down his face.

Pretending as if nothing happened. Pretending as if it doesn't affects him. That's what he's best. Smiling through the pain that's his special talent.

Hoseok was sitting outside the room playing with his phone when he saw Jimin came out from the room. He arched his eyebrows. "You're out already? You didn't scold that brat for being such a clumsy ass?" Hoseok asked and chuckled but his face slowly turned into a poker when he saw Jimin's tears flowing down to his cheeks.

"Hey, baby what happened?" Hoseok asked with worried in his voice but Jimin ignored him but instead smiled at him.

Pain. That's what Hoseok all see through Jimin's smile. He just knows the younger too well. Hoseok took that smile as a sign, to just let the younger sort out everything himself. So, instead of words he decided to hugged the younger.

"Hyung, look I'm okay." Jimin said and showed his eye smile. Hoseok just take a deep breath and nodded. "If you say so, then fine. I'll pretend I don't know."

Jimin smiled walked away and let himself be guided by his feet. Hoseok just stared at the figure walking away from him and sighed.

Jimin's mind is already a mess. Everything's just a mess. His life itself is a mess.

Why is he even chasing someone who's chasing another man? Why is he tiring himself for love? Why is he crying for someone?

He's just tired. Falling in love is fun but being in love is tiring especially when all you do is chasing. It is also tiring to chase someone knowing that it will take forever to make him yours, worse is not being able to make him yours.

He's just tired of all the bullshits that he have to go through just to say that the 'Jeon Jungkook' is his. To what extent does he have to sacrifice his time, his tears and his love and efforts for someone who's not even thankful for recieving it?? Who doesn't even appreciate him?

He tried everything. He tried and tried just to be someone perfect for Jungkook. To be someone that's best for Jungkook. But guess what, everything was just a total waste of time.

This time he's sure.

He's tired and exhausted of feeling the same pain for the same reason. He is going to stop his stupidity.

He is going to stop dreaming and living in a fantasy and believing that there's a chance.

He's going to stop. He's going to move on.

Move on from pain, from tears and from his unrequited love.

He's going to move on from Jungkook.

Even if it sounds impossible, he can do it.

Moving on.

"Sometimes the hardest part isn't letting go but rather learning to start over."




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