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"It's still early hyung. Stay even just for a few minutes, please." Jimin said he pouted. Hoseok just chuckled and ruffled Jimin's hair. Seojun was standing behind Jimin, smiling while watching the interaction in fron of him.

"When did you get so clingy with me, Jimin-ah?" Hoseok asked earning a playful slap from Jimin. "Hyung!" Jimin whined as he stomped like a child.

Seojun was laughing so hard at Jikin's childish attempt to make the older stay. "Ew, Jimin. We're still going to see each other tomorrow at practice, so stop whining like a child." Hoseok said as he opened the car door and sat on the driver's seat. "How did you even manage this child, Seojun-ah?" Hoseok said making Seojun chuckle. "I think patience is virtue especially when it comes to children." Seojun said making Jimin pout.

"You two are so mean. Hobi hyung, I was just being sweet to you then here you are pushing me away." Hoseok chuckled as he shook his head. He lowered the window of the passenger's seat and peaked his head. "Anyways, call Taehyung. He was really worried sick. And Seojun! Thanks for the dinner!" Hoseok waved and smile.

Jimin and Seojun nodded and waved to Hoseok. "Take care, hyung. Drive safely." Jimin said and received a yes from the odler. Hoseok turned the engine on and stepped on the gas. Seojun waved and smiled. After Hoseok's car was out of view, they both entered the house and locked the gate

"Hyung, you were funny back there whining like a child who lost his lollipop." Seojun said as crossed his arms while laughing. Jimin shoot him a confused look.

"Funny? Excuse me but I'm too hot to be funny, Mr. Lee." Jimin said as he crossed his arms imitating Seojun. The younger just shooked his head and stepped closer to Jimin. He bended his body to level Jimin and scooted his face a little bit closer to Jimin's.

"Really? I don't think so you're too hot, Mr. Park." He said as he smirked. A bright tint was on full display on Jimin's cheeks. "Why does he have to be so close." Jimin thought as he gulped and avoided Seojun's stares.

Jimin cleared his throat and took a step back and glared at him. "T-that was too c-close." Jimin stuttered. He tapped Seojun's nose and run away but a hand caught him and turn him around.

Seojun slammed him to the wall, his left hand wrapped around Jimin's tiny waist while the other beside Jimin's head. He moved his face closer to Jimin, a few inches apart. One wrong move and they'll kiss.

"Too close." Jimin complained in his kind. He can't even breath with how close his face was to Seojun. He can feel the younger man hot breathing and his perfume. He just hopes that the man in front of him didn't hear how his heart is beating too fast. Way too fast.

Seojun's eyes were soft but it's eyeing Jimin so intensely. "Why? did I make your heart flutter? Just like before?" Seojun whispered. His deep honey voice sends shivers down to Jimin's spine. That was too hot for Jimin's liking.

Jimin gulped, his eyes roaming around Seojun's face until his lips caught his attention. It's too plump and pink for Jimin's liking. It's not helping at all.

Jimin felt his lower part getting a little bit weird and painful so before the younger notice it, he kissed Seojun's nose which caught the younger off guard. He put his hand on Seojun's chest and pushed him.

He immediately run to his room while the younger stood there, frozen. "Jimin hyung!" Seojun whined after he snapped out of his trance while Jimin stucked his tongue out and slammed the door and locked it before Seojun could even enter.

"Did I just got a boner? And it's Seojun?!? What the holy fuck. Get a grip Park Jimin!" Jimin scolded himself as he threw his self to the king sized bed and screamed on the pillow.

"Fuck! Now, I have to take care of this." Jimin groaned. He was about to take care of his little problem down there when someone knocked on the door.

"Do you need help, hyung?" Seojun teased as he chuckled. Well, oh shit!
"Damn, go away you uncultured piece of giraffe!" Jimin yelled, embarassed. Seojun was laughing so hard, clutching his stomach.


   The next day, Jimin was so nervous as he walk through the hallways. He greeted and smiled to the staffs that's passing by.

Today, they have to practice for their MAMA performance 1 week from now. Jimin is going to practice the performance with Taemin and for the group.

He is already infront of the practice room but he's hesitating to grab the handle. He's still not okay. The wounds were still fresh and seeing the maknae is the last thing he wanted to see right now but he have to. But he have to do this since this is not just about him, this about the whole group.

He have to ignore and put his feelings aside first since they have to prepare a lot and make a perfect performance for ARMYs.

But before Jimin could touch the door knob, someone grabbed it first and when he looked at who opened the door, it was someone he's trying to avoid.

"Out of all people to meet early morning, why him?!"

Jimin felt like a lump was stuck in his throat. He can't say anything, he just stood there frozen on his spot as his eyes were locked on the ground.

Jungkook opened the door for Jimin and waiting for the older to enter. He eyed Jimin and cleared his throat which snapped Jimin out of his trance. "Are you going or not?" Jungkook asked. Jimin calm his self and ignored the younger. He walked past the younger but Jungkook grabbed his arm.

"Hyung, can we talk?" Jungkook asked. His eyes not taking off from Jimin's figure as he waited for the older to respond. Jimin looked straight at Jungkook's. Jimin's breath hitched. Fuck! He don't want to look at Jungkook's face or be in the same place as him. He is trying his best to move on. He don't wanna fall into Jungkook's trap anymore. He don't want to keep hurting his self, the pain and mental torture was enough already.

Jungkook's eyes were telling a thousand emotions. You can tell that he didn't sleep well with all the dark circles under his eyes and the eyebags.

Jimin grabbed Jungkook's hand and slapped it away and glared at him. "I don't think we still have something to talk about Jeon." Jimin coldly said and turned around greet the other members.

"I fucked up big time. I'm sorry, Jimin hyung." Jungkook  whispered and sighed as he run his long slender fingers through his soft silver locks.

"Is it too late to say sorry and set things right?"


*Not proofread

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