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"If you're gonna kiss and eat each other out, get the fuck out and find your own fucking private room. This is not a motel." Jungkook snickered and slammed the door hard, separating Taehyung and Jimin.

Taehyung and Jimin awkwardly stared at each other and shrugged. Jimin was sure taken a back when Taehyung kissed him but you can't blame him when he really liked it. No, he loved it.

Taehyung's kisses literally melted him. The way his lips molded with his and the way every single cells in his body shivers  to the slight tingles which make him feel flutter and butterflies erupting in his stomach. Taehyung is a goddamn good kisser, Jimin give him that.

He's actually starting to feel unusual feelings. If you ask him if he still love Jungkook, fuck yes! The maknae will always have his effect on him but that doesn't mean he doesn't feel giddy and those tingling sensations erupting in his insides whenever he's with Taehyung or Seojun.

He's starting to have this mix feelings. Jungkook, Taehyung and Seojun are messing him up. His feelings for Jungkook is still so strong yet with Taehyung and Seojun always sticking by his side and act all affectionate and stuff, he's starting to lose some to Jungkook.

You know that one thing that most people says, that one way to forgot someone that's special to you is by finding another one that makes you a real special.

It was just that it was Taehyung and Seojun who found him and both made him feel special.

Jungkook may have always pushed him away like a trash, but there's something in Jungkook that just makes Jimin crazy even with all the pain that the maknae caused him. There's just something in him that makes it hard for Jimin to move on and forget his feelings for him. He's so much of a mystery, the mystery and puzzle that Jimin wanted to solve. The maknae always makes him feel unexplainable feelings in him.

I mean, who doesn't likes mystery and a little bit of misery? Don't well all just like it? The thrill and the little adventure is sometimes what makes us invested to someone who doesn't like us back because solving and finally getting him at the end is just so euphoric and satisfying.

While for Taehyung, he always makes Jimin comfortable just like how a bestfriend is. He makes Jimin feel special and loved, though he was literally someone that Jimin is so insecure with because of Jungkook but Jimin won't even deny that sometimes, Taehyung's small yet sweet gestures and display of affection makes his heart flutter.

And as for Seojun, damn! That man knows how to get Jimin sweep off of his feet. He just makes him a lot more special and loved and taken care of. He's like Jungkook and Taehyung combined. A little bit of a mystery but he's sweet and caring. He has something in him that just makes you real comfortable and he's brutally and honest and straight forward too. One thing why Jimin was so in love with him back then. It was such a waste when they have to break off the engagement and break up.

This made Jimin think, does he like the three of them? No fucking way, right? He loves Jungkook so much and the maknae hurt him and that's why he's trying to move on. Taehyung and Seojun like him and they both helped him atleast forget Jungkook without them actually knowing.

He feel butterflies with Taehyung and Seojun, yes. Anyone could feel the same way especially when both make him feel special and loved.

He's actually starting to get scared, scared that he might mistake the feeling he feel with both Taehyung and Seojun as love. He just seriously... don't fucking know now.

Taehyung and Jimin went out of the room with contorted faces. They were a bit embarassed because Jungkook saw them and he even seem so upset. Like a kid who lost his lollipop but it's just Jimin in his case.  Once they were out of Jungkook's sight, the maknae closed the door and frustratedly grabbed his hear threw his phone to the wall.

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