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Hate is such a strong word to ever grow in someone's heart and to be spilled from one's mouth but it is just the right word to express how Jungkook felt towards the man in front of him. As soon as he saw the face of the man that appeared in front of him, memories of his past came flooding through his mind. The man who made Jungkook so much insecure of himself.

Lee Seojun. His cousin. The very cousin he felt so competitive towards with, the very cousin he despise since he was 7. Just simply knowing his existence could make Jungkook go flips tables. He hated him, and he still hates him with every vein and cells of his being.

Jungkook stood frozen, can't believe he's seeing him in front of him with a delighted smile on his face after almost 10 years of not seeing each other. 

Unlike Jungkook, Seojun likes Jungkook so much. He likes how Jungkook is always doing his best in everything that he does and how he can effortlessly pull off certain difficult and impossible to accomplish tasks. Jungkook is actually his role model since he was still a kid. 

"Oh. Jungkook hyung!" Seojun exclaimed with a bright, heart fluttering smile but it just triggered Jungkook's irritation more. Jungkook bit his lips and scoffed.

"Hyung my ass!"  Jungkook cursed under his breath. 

Jungkook tried hard to hide the irritation and annoyance that's trying to escape from him.

"I can never like this motherfucking duck face!" Jungkook thought. He smiled through gritted teeth and mumbled a faint 'hi' with a fake smile planted on his lips.

"Hey, baby gi!" Jimin exclaimed cheerfully as soon as he saw Seojun after he came out of Namjoon's room. Jungkook showed confusion through his face and narrows his eyes to Seojun.

"Baby gi?! The fuck is that?? Baby?? That shit ain't baby! He's a whole grown ass duck! Wait- they know each other?!" Jungkook screamed inside his head. Jungkook face turned distorted once he realize they know each other and wondered how?!

Fucking how did it happened?!

Jimin came inside of Namjoon's room immediately after he walked out of embarasment earlier to hide and check up on his hyung as well. It was such a disaster when he entered the leader's room.

Namjoon was crying and sobbing while hugging his knees, balled up in the corner of the room with the lights off. Tissues were lying peacefully around the tall guy and Jimin can't help but feel pity towards his hyung.

He sure was once like this, crying, pityful and balled up in a corner of a room where no one will see him but he can never feel what Namjoon is going through right now because in his case, it was just one-sided and the fact that Jungkook and him was not in a relationship makes it more diffrent, because Namjoon and Yoongi... they were once deeply in love with each other that's why it's probably a different type of pain for Namjoon.

Namjoon and Yoongi has been in a four year old relationship and both have shared a great amount of time with each other, shared special moments and happy memories with each other and an ample amount of problems and good times with each other as well.

All of it must have been hard to let go for Namjoon and Yoongi too but sometimes people just seriously need to accept the fact that not all good things is gonna stay forever with you. 

It's probably not because it's not meant for him, but rather there is something that's a lot more better  than what he have right now,  that's waiting for him somewhere and just waiting for the perfect timing to set foot into his life and make him feel something much better than what he have felt from the previous one.

Namjoon is truly a strong person to be able to still stay calm and rational in this situation despite the raging emotions inside of him that's mingling with each other.

Seojun looked at Jimin's way and his smile got even wider. Nothing could ever brighten up his day other than Park Jimin. His smiles, his voice and just the mere fact that the other male exists. Jimin is the source of his happiness and his everything.

Jimin run up to Seojun and hugged him. "Hyung, I missed you! You didn't even visit me." The younger whined and pouted making Jimin giggled.

"Stop being such a baby and that was only for like a few weeks." Jimin stated as he broke the hug and poke Seojun's nose, both oblivious of the death glares and annoyance that's radiating from someone 2 meters away from them.

But it's actually jealousy.

"5 weeks is not a short time, you know?!" Seojun exclaimed. Jimin giggled.

"Fine! I'm sorry, bub. We just have busy schedules, but btw, how did you know where our dorm is and how did you even get in?" Jimin asked.

"I have my ways, hyung. And the tall handsome guy with broad shoulders let me in when I told him I'm acquainted with you and that short-tempered gucci guy." Seojun said and grabbed Jimin by the hands and hold them as he smiled cutely at the older which caused a distorted facial reaction from Jimin.

"Excuse me, but who?" Jimin asked with furrowed eyebrows. Seojun just chuckled and shook his head, finding Jimin incredibly cute at the moment, with his eyes wide opened and confusion present in him.
He ruffled Jimin's hair and the latter pouted.

He took a step closer and whispered right into Jimin's ears. "Taehyung, that is who." He said as smirked and giggled afterwards.

Jungkook is feeling nauseous and had the urge to pull Seojun's hand away from his Jimin's hair and chop them off into pieces. All this because of the weird mixed feelings erupting in his tummy like little nuclear bombs.

Jungkook's blood boiled causing his heart to pound so hard against his chest, and there's this wave of emotions that's filling up his whole system, sending tingles and sparkles through his every cells. His chest was heaving up and down, his eyes narrows and rolls, and a sarcastic smirk is painted on his face followed by faint scoffs of irritation and annoyance.

He hated the fact that Jimin didn't even notice his presence, that he's there just about 2 meters away from them. He hated how it seems like the two has their fucking world.

"Jimin hyung!" Jungkook called out but it came out more like a whine. Jimin looked at Jungkook with a raised eyebrow and realized something.

"Oh! I'm sorry, i forgot my manners. Seojun this-" The shorter male was cut off by Seojun.

"No need to introduce me or him, hyung. We know each other 'coz we're like cousins." Seojun said, hands still linked with Jimin's.

"What?! Are you kidding me Lee Seojun?! Jungkook?! You two, cousins?!" Jimin asked in his high pitched voice as he laugh sarcastically and suddenly, his face turn into a stoic expression with a hint of confusion.


He can't believe it you know. Jungkook and Seojun? Cousins? What a twist of fate. He stared blankly at Seojun and Jungkook and the more he think of it, there is a lot of similarities in their features.

Meanwhile, Taehyung was in the middle of falling asleep in attempt to calm his raging emotions from earlier's events when he heard a high pitched with a hint of deep ocean and honey sweet voice echoed throughout the whole dorm and mention someone named Lee Seojun. As soon as he realized that it could be the Seojun that he knew, he immediately jumped out of bed and fixed himself and rushed out his shared room with Jungkook.

"What is that soup guy doing here? And how did he even get in? And how did he fucking- shit fuck it! I'mma kick your ass out you dwarf shit guy!" Taehyung exclaimed as he rushed down stairs with his eyes ready to murder someone.

"He felt like home. A place that grounds my life."

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