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Jimin is a crying mess as he run after the tall man. Seojun halted on his steps as he heard an angelic soft yet high pitched voice called out his name.

"He... He didn't forgot me." Seojun whispered to his self and his twitched, forming a big smile showing his two cute little dimples. He turned around only to be met with a bone crashing hug from the older.

They earned a few looks from people but it's not they give a fuck about it. Damn, he miss him. He missed his Jimin hyung so much and what a relief it is to him that the older didn't forget him.

"I-Im sorry. Im so fucking sorry for n-not recogn-nizing y-you right away." Jimin sobbed, wetting Seojun's neck with his tears, it's not that Seojun is complaining. He's actually happy.

Jimin was tiptoeing as his both arms are wrapped around Seojun's neck while Seojun wrapped his arms around Jimin's curvy waist. A tear slipped from Seojun's eye as he kissed Jimin's hair and smelled it.

Jimin smelled so good. He's still the same. He still smelt like fresh picked strawberries with a little mix of vanilla.

Seojun wiped his tear and grabbed Jimin arms that's wrapped around his neck. He cupped the smaller's face.

"I'm sorry for making you cry again." He said as he stared at Jimin's orbs. Jimin tapped his nose and giggled. His giggled sounds angelic to Seojun. "Stop saying sorry, already. You're still cute."

A blush creeped to Seojun's cheeks. His heart is beating so fast. Jimin made his heart fluttered as he always did.

Damn, five years was long but he never did once forgot Jimin or the feeling of being with Jimin. The feeling of being inlove with Jimin and being loved by him.

He ruffled Jimin's soft locks and smiled as he lean closer to Jimin's face. "You still makes my heart flutter, hyung."

And it's Jimin's turn to blushed. He don't exactly know why he is feeling weird in his tummy but he is in love with Jungkook yet here he is, blushing and heart fluttering with every actions that Seojun does to him.

"First love never dies, huh?" Seojun chuckled. "I guess. But wait- does that mean I was your first love?"

Jimin tried to look away hiding a bright red tint on his cheeks, though he's wearing a face mask.

"Well, if you... put it like that."  They both chuckled as they walk side by side. They looked so cute together that there were some who are trying to take a picture but Seojun is quick to smile to them and cover Jimin.

He leaned over to Jimin and whispered.

"Shall we... Uhmmm talk somewhere private? We don't want anyone seeing you blushing and fustered with me. You're a superstar now, after all." Seojun said in his deep honey voice that made Jimin felt something weird in his tummy. Jimin playfully slapped Seojun's arm.

Jimin nodded. "Sure."


They both arrived at Seojun's place. It wasn't not an apartment or a condominium just like he expected. It was a two story modern house. It's not huge but it looks beautiful, especially with all the beautiful flowers in the garden and the tree confidently standing so beautifully. And the scenery, it's just so mesmerizing.

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