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After Jimin left the room, Taehyung glared at Jungkook. He really want to swear and curse at the maknae, he even want to slap Jungkook but stopped himself from doing so.

"What the fuck was that Jeon?!" Taehyung yelled. He was completely pissed off at the maknae. He didn't even approved of Jungkook kissing him but the younger just went for it. Worse was Jimin saw it. His bestfriend, who have feeling for Jungkook. He don't want him to think that he betrayed him.

"Hyung, that was just a kiss. As Jimin hyung says we're ad-" Taehyung interrupted Jungkook.

"Just a kiss?! Well, fuck you Jungkook. If Jimin ignores me after this, I swear to God I'll fucking murder you." Taehyung swears as he gritted his teeth while sending daggers to Jungkook. He was about to get up from the bed but Jungkook stopped him.

"Where the hell are you going?" Jungkook asked, his eyebrows arched. His hands grabbed Taehyung's.

"To chase after Jimin and explain to him." Taehyung grasp Jungkook's hand swatted it away but the maknae completely blocked his way.

"Why?" Jungkook mumbles but was still heard by Taehyung. "Because I love my bestfriend and I don't want to hurt him. So please for God's sake move out from my way." Taehyung firmly stated but Jungkook is stubborn.

"Hyung, you'll just worsen your sprained ankle even more if you chase after him.  The doctor says you should not overwork you feet for atleast 2 weeks. You still have to dance and we have a performance 2 weeks from now. " Jungkook said while looking at Taehyung's orbs.

"Did this dumbass really thought that I'll literally run after Jimin??" Taehyung thought.

"Why are even so worried about Jimin  seeing us kiss. He is not even that affected, he even teased us. But if you really want to explain to him that It was me who initiated the kiss, I'll go tell him by myself." Jungkook added.

"First of all, it's 'Jimin hyung' for you brat and second, I don't trust you with Jimin, at all. Third, he saw us kissing for your freaking information, Jungkook. And you know that he's head over heels with you. He would think that I have feelings with you and he have interrupted something which I don't want him to assume. He may have look like he was fine with it, but he's not. So, just let me go and explain it to him." Taehyung said and Jungkook sighed.

"If you keep insisting with going after Jimin that might caused your ankle worse, then I think I have to make Jin hyung talk to you." The maknae fished out his phone and was about to dial Seokjin's number but a hand grabbed his phone from him.

Taehyung sighed, defeated. "Fine. You don't have to pull the "Jin" card on me. And when I said chase I didn't mean to like literally run."

No matter how much he wanted to chase after Jimin and explain everything himself, he don't want to make the sprain even worse and get scolded by Jin. And as Jungkook said, they still have to perform 2 weeks from now. He don't want to disappoint ARMYs.

Jungkook stared at Taehyung who looks so worried about what might Jimin think. A thought just crossed Jungkook's mind. "What if the someone that Tae hyung has been talking about is Jimin hyung? Fuck no!" Jungkook mentally cursed. Just imagining his Taehyung having a crush to Jimin, he's burning with jealousy already.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung one last time and walked out to find Jimin. When he close the door, he saw Hoseok with a worried face. "Hyung, do you know where Jimin hyung went?"

Hoseok lifted his head to look at Jungkook. He mentally rolled his eyes and coldy asked. "Why?"

Hoseok assumes that Jungkook may have been the reason why Jimin came out the room, crying. It's always him. No one could break Jimin other than Jungkook.

"Nothing. I just need to talk to him." Jungkook said as he fished out his phone to dial Jimin's number. Hoseok eyed Jungkook and sighed.

"I don't know where he exactly went but he went that way. Maybe he went to the rooftop." Hoseok said and with that Jungkook pocketed his phone and immediately went to the rooftop.

No matter how much Hoseok wants to do something for both Jungkook and Jimin, he knows he shouldn't because it's not his business to deal with. Jungkook and Jimin are both adults and they know how to sort out their problems. But what worries Hoseok so much is Jungkook.

The maknae is immature and his immaturity is what keeps hurting Jimin. He just hopes that Jungkook would open his mind, his eyes and his heart and appreciate Jimin who's there for him all along even with all the bullshits that he made Jimin go through. He don't want to witness Jungkook regretting his actions as Jimin is just human who will eventually get tired.

"Love is all about push and pull. Push me and I'll walk away. Pull me and I'll stay."


Hi everyone! Here's a short update :) but I might update another chapter after this one

Starting this week, I will try to update every Saturday or Sunday or maybe just Saturday. LOL😂

I Purple You 💜💜💜

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