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Jungkook yelled as he saw the other five members. He stopped on his tracks as he stand in front of Jin. Just by looking at Jungkook's state, you could immediately tell that he rushed his way to the hospital.

His hair was messy and bead of sweat was constantly rolling down his face. He was catching his breath but manage to asked Jin.

"What happened? Is Tae-hyung okay? Were is he?" Jungkook asked, panic and worry is audible in his tone.

"Okay before I tell you, first, please take a deep breath and calm down. There's really nothing bad happened. Taehyung is fine." Seokjin stated and handed Jungkook the handkerchief.

"And please wipe your sweat." Jin added before he grab his jacket and stepped out to grab some drinks.

"Is he really fine?" He asked as he turn to face Yoongi and Yoongi nodded. "Stop worrying, Kook." Yoongi said.

"How can I not worry? If he really is fine, he shouldn't be here in the hospital." Jungkook can't help but raise his voice a little. It's no secret that the maknae is very fond of Taehyung. He cares about him a lot.

"Look, Jungkook. Stop worrying and yelling, he is fine he just sprained his right arm and his left ankle. There is no internal problem whatsoever. You're overreacting." Jin said as he handed Jungkook a bottle of water to calm him. "Jin hyung is right." Yoongi added.

Jungkook was a little bit embarassed for yelling at his hyungs but you can't blame him, he is freaking out and worried about Taehyung.

" Go inside if you're so worried about him. I'll just go get food. Manager-nim said he will be here in a minute." Namjoon stood from his seat and fished out his wallet and phone and walked away.

Jungkook immediately immediately entered Taehyung's roomand saw him eating a banana and staring out the window.  "Hyung, are you okay?" Jungkook asked as he approuch the red-haired guy.

"Do I look like I'm okay to you? I'm seriously in a hospital, lying in this hospital bed and wearing this boring hospital gown. I just wanna go home already and just lie down on my bed and wear my gucci sweater." Taehyung huffed.

The maknae chuckled at Taehyung as he whine about being in a hospital. He really find the other adorabley cute, interesting and fun to be with. There's no wonder why he love him.

He really love the other so much that he ready to give everything of him to the other if he is asked to do. He would do anything even if he had to stop the earth from rotating and revolving and he would even catch a star for Taehyung if he have to. He would do no matter how impossible it is.

But fate seems to be not on his side. If only the older loves him the way he does, he would have been the happiest and luckiet man alive on earth anf in the universe but no, Taehyung loves someone else and that someone is not Jungkook.

Things just definitely don't work like. They don't always go your wayunoess you force to make it go on your way. But sometimes no matter how much you push it to go on your way, if it's not for you, it won't come to your way. And sometimes all you can say and think is that how everything works is so complicated and unfair.

It's just completely not fair that you get something you dont love yet that something that you really want to be in your life, they always make it near you yet far to reach.

He really wish that Taehyung is the one who is chasing, loving and clinging into him instead of Jimin. He hated the man because he clings like a leech. If that was Taehyung, he would be happy but Jimin? He'll rather drink his pee and shove his head to the toilet bowl.

He find Jimin a bother and super clingy that it never fails to annoy and irritate the shit out of him everytime. He only decided to talk to Jimin and apologize about all the shits that has done because he can't bear Taehyung avoiding him any longer because of how he treats Jimin.

And if you asked about how the hell did he know about that strawberry smoothie and chocalate cake, he kind of read it in a certain website where Nkjoon talks how Jimin like those so much in an interview which was tackled in that article.

"Where's Jimin? I though he was with you?" Taehyung suddenly asked out of nowhere which caught Jungkook off guard. He completely forgot about Jimin.

"O-oh Jimin hyung he uhhm... he..." Jungkook stuttered and was thinking of reason shoukd he say that Taehyung would buy. He completely ignored Jimin after getting his forgiveness and also because he was panicking so much.

"He what?" Taehyung asked, his eyebrows knitted together waiting for Jungkook's answer.

"H-he... He said he have to go somewhere that's why he can't come. Haha right." Jungkook reasoned out and laughs nervously hoping that Taehyung would buy his excuse.

"Fuck that dipshit." Jungkook is cursing Jimin in his mind

"That snake! How can he? There must be more important than me being the hospital because I sprained my arm and ankle. Wow I'm so hurt." Taehyung mumbled and pouted. Jungkook mentally rolls his eyes. He hated it so much when Taehyung all do is talk about Jimin or Hoseok.

He cleared his throat and decided to change the topic. He want Taehyung attention just on him. "Anyways, when will you be discharged?"

"Since it's only a sprain I gues tomorrow or maybe later today." Taehyung said as he reach out for an apple. Jungkook handed him the apple and nodded. "That's good to hear then." the maknae said and fixed Taehyung's hair.

"Hyung." he softly called out and recieved a humm from Taehyung. "Please be my boy-" Before he could even finish his statement, Taehyung cutted him.

"Jungkook-ah you know I already love someone else and I also don't want to give you hope. Friendship is all I could offer." The maknae sighed and lowered his head.

Jungkook really wanna cry. It pains him to know that he really got no chance with Taehyung. That Taehyung is really sincere to that someone.

"I really wanna kiss you, hyung. Hug you and cuddle with you." Taehyung sighed. He really feels nothing for Jungkook. He only sees him as a friend and a younger brother.


"I know. I know that I have no chance to you but hyung, I just really wanna kiss you." He said that made Taehyung speechless. "Please. Just a peck, I promise. Then I'll really try to move on." Jungkook said waiting for Taehyung's reply.

Taehyung sighs. He is having thoughts. If he would let Jungkook kiss him, it would like he is cheating from him  but he really want Jungkook to move on.

"A peck or kiss, it's still a n-" Jungkook didn't even let Taehyung finish his sentece when he smash his lips to Taehyung's. Kissing Taehyung feels like touching heaven and little butterflies were going crazy wild inside his tummy. He craved for him, for this. And now he is addicted that he wanted more. He slightly open his mouth and nibbled on Taehyung's lower lip earning a shock reaction from Taehyung.

Taehyung gasped from shock that it gave Jungkook the opportunity to even explore his cavern.

Suddenly a loud bang echoed through the whole room and an upset a high pitch voice rang through their ears.

"Kim Taehyung, I swear to the camels and fucking unicorns that you don't have any fucking idea how worr-"

"I wonder what it's like to be him and be loved by you."


Sorry for that sloppy and trashy kissing part 😬

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