Ch.2 Pg 17

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Michael winces as his father pulls back the fabric, revealing a horrifying mess that was hidden underneath the worn leather gloves. 

his hand was barely recognizable really, it was covered in blood and looked extremely abnormal. it seemed as if pieces were stick up, broken bits pushing at the skin, some of them not breaking through. others had broken the skin. all in all it wasn't a pretty sight

michael grimaced as he looked at his hand, or rather what was left of it.

William swallowed, his facial expression beyond the simple stage of worry. he was blinking as he stared a little in horror at his sons mangled hand. 

mike breaths heavily, the air feeling cold as his hand was exposed to it. 

"well... " he starts wanting to say something but not sure how to finish it, just letting the silence hang in the air instead.

"..." michaels father seemed frozen, he didn't know what to say in response. Well aware of the pain mike was in but partly hoped it was not as bad as it seemed. All he did was stare, becoming silent other than his breathing that was slightly louder than usual, possible from the cut across his side and neck of from fear and worry. Maybe both... 

michael seems a little nervous of his reaction, not really sure what his father was thinking.. his mind wandered back to how william had acted with the scissors.

after a few moments of silence, he clears his throat. "ah- dad...?" he questioned uneasily, breaking the sound of nothingness.

william breathes out heavily, staring at his sons hand for a second longer. "um... yeah?" His eyes moves from mikes hand but he didn't meet the young mans gaze.

michael decided to ask the question on his mind. "y-you alright.?"

 "not really" he finally responds, being honest. It was the truth since he didn't really know or have the time to lie.

"oh - is it your scratches?" Mike says refering to the rips in his shirt and the cut on his neck

" no- " the older afton pauses from a moment. He didn't need to and felt as if he should not of said anything. Mike needed the help and concern . Neither did william need to have a breakdown in front of him. He tried to collect himself a little, breathing out a harsh sigh, more like a huff. "fucking- animatronics-"

"...uh...y-yeah.. but- you sure dad?" michael give his father a concerned worry filled glance.

William sighed. He knew he would have to tell him eventually so telling partly the truthfully might help. His scratches did hurt a fair bit tho he had to admit. " argh- look I'm ok. You are in more pain than imaginable right now. I told you I don't matter right now. I'm more fucking worried about you"

Michaels face reddens at this, a little confused that his father was telling him this, as the man he had grown up with never had before.

"o-oh, i-i-" he tried to deny this after collecting himself a bit. 

"its not so bad-" of course mikes body decided that the perfect thing to back up his arguement was to make him flinch as he tried to move his fingers.

Will looks over at him raising an eyebrow and folding his arms.

" funny you say that when i had two things called eyes that tell me differently"

Mike sighed, irritated a this and grumbled out a harsh response. "fine its pretty painful. . .the difference is-" he huffed, unintentionally mimicking his father only  a few seconds earlier.

"-that im dead so even if im in pain, your cuts can get infected, while it doesnt matter if mine do" michael then begins to slowly pull his hand back towards him on the table.

"Do you think i care ? I'm a dead man walking anyway. Well not literally. Literally for you.... it isn't gonna kill me if i help you first. " he says sounding equally irritated, snapping a little bit.

michael grumbled at william. "fine whatever-" once again he forgets his hand is ruined and again tries to move it on instinct. he yelps a little and curses himself

"fuck-! idiot why -why would i-" he mutters more insults to himself under his breath, most weren't as polite as the audible stupid and idiot he kept repeating to himself.

"Point proven dumbass, you need help" william says glaring at him. "so don't be an asshole about it cos you need it if you like it or not. " the older mans anger fades a little bit though still held a note to it in his voice.

his son sighs in defeat

"alright- alright fine maybe i do need it" he says utterly exasperated.

"yeah so shut the fuck up asking if I'm ok when you cannot even walk-" he looks over at Mikes hand sitting there for a moment his anger cooling a good deal more. " got any ideas on how the fuck we are meant to fix your hand up? Have a few myself but-" he shifts in the chair glancing at mike as he waited for a response.

"uh..., not really" he rubbed the back of his neck 

"my only plan was to get the glove off, id hoped it wasn't as bad as felt-"he stops himself, catching his words as he realized he just admitted he was in a good deal of pain.

"um- so no- what do you think..?"

"...ah. so you are in a lot a pain then huh michael?" He doesn't answer the question immediately, waiting for a little while after the young man spoke. 

"...oh and uh" he sighed shaking his head, rubbing his face as he spoke.

"Thought maybe could put my robotic skills in to help. Not saying this will work but -"

michael doesnt answer his fathers question but instead he looks at him curiously, intrigued with williams unsaid idea.

"uh... erm...Seen as in surgery they use stuff that consists of metal to hold stuff into place, could do something similar seen as i know a lot about robotics... Have to numb the skin somehow but.."

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now