Ch.2 Page 3

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Mike smiles sadly at William.

"ah I figured as much. Those dark circles under your eyes don't come out of no where"

"Ah - yeah apparently i have insomnia - or some shit like that... and usually get obsessed with work-"

Michael sighs.

"yeah- if there's one thing I remember it's your work" he slightly chuckles 

"learned a lot just from watching you, when You weren't hitting me or drunk.."

William seemed a little shocked and taken aback by this.

"oh- I um-"

Mike laughs at his fathers expression.

"Ya know...For a child murderer you were pretty smart. Avoiding the obvious of course" He chuckled a little

His eyes look a little distant Suddenly.

"I always loved watching you work" he murmured

William still has the same amount of shock on his face and he swallows.

"I mean- um- "he would put his keys into the car starting it up 

"you're an ok mechanic -"

Michael snaps out of it, his face a little red, realizing he said it all out loud.

"Ah-I ahah" he smiles, embarrassed, running his hand through his hair. Not used to his fathers praise but loving it none the less.


Will would roll his eyes but smiles after.

"eh no problem, i- thanks too - " he says thanks a little odd as if he was wincing at the very word but all the while he still says it. 

The engine rumbled as he started to drive.

Michael shakes his head, still smiling as he looks out the window.

William just sat there silently for a while, focusing on driving. Even if he wasn't really smiling too much, he just genuinely looked happier than normal.

"uhh not too far I believe " Will said after a few moments, breaking the silence.

He pulls up in the empty parking lot at the front of the pizzaria,the noise of the car abruptly stopping after a moment or so.

" that was faster than I expected-" Will said

Mike sighs, staring at the empty building. He sits there just staring for a moment before saying "guess we should...we should get to work-huh?"

"Yeah, guess so-" pausing, will gets out the car.

"you sure you're up for this -?" He said looking over at Michael.

"Up for it?" Mike laughs sadly

"no i cant say i am. Its better then somebody else dying though. Or ending up like-" he gestures to himself.

 "-like this"

Michael sighs once more, finally getting out of the car.

" ah- well just be careful- well careful as you can be anyway" he shuts the door and opens the back door, pulling out the box.

Mike shut the passenger door and walked over to wills side.

"What all ya got in there anyhow?"

William places it on the roof of the car

"you can look it you want , just stuff I thought that could be useful. for example my trusty axe."

he grabs it holding it up against the light of the sun,  inspecting it. He tosses the stained axe in his hand, grabbing it again.

"or well other things similar, might be a sort of weird type thing that can temporarily stop an animatronic, a bit like an electric shock but smaller. That sort of thing"

Michael nodded his head, intrigued.

"Cool. How long can it stop an animitronic..? Just curious how much time i have to escape if i get caught by the spaghetti robot" he smiles jokingly.

William rubbed the back of his head.

"Ah - thats the issue, it takes about 4 mins to charge up and you have to plant it on the animatronic of course-"

Mikes smile flickers a little bit.

"ah- right. Im sure itll let me put it right on it" he shakes his head and takes the contraption anyways.

"eh just look through if you wanna , oh and that also only really effects animatronics and messes with their electrical wiring"

It doesn't have much effect on people-" will flips the axe again and leans on it.

"Will it even work on Ennard?" Mike looks back at his father.

"I mean- since it's possessed, doesn't really have any electricity...does it?"

"All the animatronics have some sort of electric wiring some way or other , even if it's just a springlock suit. You know so eyes can light up parts can move , Ennard I'm pretty sure in a 2B model of endo skeleton from what i have gathered from observation. Even if i was being fucking squeezed to death, I noticed a few things while i let adrenaline take over" he clears his throat briefly.

Mike looks impressed.

"well then, I'm definatley taking this." He looks back at the building

"Great " will suddenly feels pleased with himself.

"you wanna take anything else?"

Michael looks back in the box pulling out a spanner/wrench similar to his own that ennard had previously bent. He looked at the building; putting the wrench from the box in his belt and the contraption in his pocket.

 "Do you think we should go in the back way"

"Hm - probably- " will puts the box back into the car, locking it 

" if you think uh - if you think that will help, it's a lot less obvious so-"

"Yeah- not being obvious isnt a bad thing" mike smiled and started walking over to the pizzeria

William followed, snatching up the axe from where he was leaning on it.

"Id rather not get caught by that thing again.." michael murmered his gaze still on the building

"Yeah that thing is pretty fucked up, even by my standards. hope it doesn't catch either of us" william payed attention to the sound of their feet as they walked up to the pizzaria.

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now