Ch.3 Pg.3

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the voice of the suit was clearly overly happy and, for lack of a better word,  weird. It was almost... computerized for some reason and the happiness just added to the creepiness.

"-" William just looks at it quietly, looking as if he was about to say something. 

"...yeah, Bye" the older man shuts the door, locking it looking confused. 

mike stares at his father, also puzzled about this. Williams reaction didnt help him figure anything out either.

"who the fuck was that??"

"I dunn- " william pauses, his brow furrowed. "Hold on - that's my fucking suit-"

"What?" Michael did not expect this answer. No not at all. 

There's another knock on the cheap wooden door, presumably from the rabbit again. Mike glanced at the door and slightly glared at will. 

"Dad are you sure you haven't completely lost it??... well more so??"

"no I haven't fucking- that's MY suit, before we had animatronics-!!" William growls and swings open the door again, angrily doing so.

"WHAT-" he looks at it with a mix of moodiness and anger.

"Can I come in now" (yes this is a ref to alastor in hazbin hotel)

The rabbit suit was holding a crutch and it's smile seemed to grow wider "I've got this for you!!"

"sensed you needed it" he nudged William with his elbow and shoved his way in the house, not waiting for a response or a greeting. 

Will stared dumbfounded at it, which mirrored Michael as the young man stared at the rabbit. 

"What the hel-" he started. beleive it or not having your dads old fursuit walking and talking was not an everyday occurrence. at this point anyways.

William stays confused and a little stunned for a moment before shaking it off.

"h-hey hey! You can't just fucking BARGE IN HERE"

"Oh but I can! And I did!" the rabbit says this happily, turning its head to william. After this it looks over at Michael and sees his bloody leg, putting a hand to his face.

"ooooh so THATS why he wanted this!!" it looks at the crutch in its hand

"What the fuck - how are you-WHO ARE you?!" william was starting to yell now. He didnt like this thing...  and questioned how it was alive. The older afton started working out all the ways in his head, furrowing his brow in concentration.

It kind of laughed "why don't you recognize me? I'm you!"

Mike puts his hand to his forehead "you see the giant rabbit too- right dad..?"

William went quiet again, anyone watching him being able to see on his face working out it. it took him a couple minutes. 

". . . OH-SHIT"

It looks back over at mike "well of course he sees me! I'm very real, Michael" the rabbit seemed to giggle as it looked at mike... in a semi unsettling way too. 

"I-" michael looks back at his father, his gaze confused and uncertain. 

" to explain" the young man crossed his arms staring at william.

"-ahahahahahah-" will rubbed the back of his neck and looked away towards the suit. He sighed as he looked at the rabbit suspiciously.

The fursuit stands there for a second before snapping back to life 

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now