Ch.2 Pg 16

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ah- go to the kitchen..?" mike says "there- theres more light in there-" He mutters "itll be easier to fix me in there"

Willim acknowledged this with a short "ok" and began to move to the kitchen. He started towards the chair that was still there from the night previous mike had been sitting on.

once they reached the seat, michael sighed heavily as he sat down, leaning up against the back of the chair. even walking was hard for him, as to be expected with the amount of broken peices he had at the moment.

" hm- least now we are somewhere safe and can actually help you " , William rubs the side of his face and breaths out. 

 " not sure what first- could try stitching up ur chest again, though I don't think that's the main problem "

"yeah, the wound still hurts but it'll be fine" michael puts his ruined hand on the table, sighing. "thisll be one of the more difficult; and... and uh... more painful things to deal with..... and of course-" michael gestured to his ruined broken, mangled, bloody leg.


William sighed again saddened and frustrated with the state his son was in right now. 

" argh wish i had been faster -"

mike looked at the floor away from his father "..i mean dunno if it wouldve made a difference if you had been; was wrapped around me pretty good. plus it ah... was stronger then both of us so" he let out a shakey sigh as he glanced back up at william. he was tired, in pain, and wasn't sure what to say to reassure his dad that it wasnt his fault. there was a few moments of silence before anyone said anything again. 

"...I uh... i am really not sure what to do if I'm being honest with you. Could make a cast for now like you suggested" 

michael shrugged at this"not sure either- "

he smiles at a thought shaking his head "if only i were a robot hm? then we'd have no problem fixin me up" he chuckled sadly at the statement.

"wouldnt feel anything either" William muttered inaudibly under his breath. 

mike glanced questioningly at him. "..huh?"

"i- er- Wish you were, but then again you wouldn't be who you are. Would be a hell of a lot easier to fix up when shit like this happens though"

the young man sighed and nodded, his hair falling over his face. he brushed it out of the way. 

"yeah thats for sure"

michael finally turned his attention back to his mangled hand resting on the table. as a result, some of his blood stained the wood surface. 

"...i think first we- we should get the glove off- itll probably just cause problems otherwise"

"err- uh ok... Want me to go find a pair of scissors or somethin to get it off with?" He shifts on his feet as he speaks to his son. 

michael nodded slowly "i dont think i can pull it off, tried earlier. cant say it was a pleasant experience heh..." he tried to smile though it dropped quickly after.

"alright , I'll go root for some scissors, less pain the better . You really need to see someone... for some fucking reason those good for nothing animatronics had to go kill you-" William grumbles angrily.

"hah- yeah pretty rude of them"

he leans back smiling slightly. "least they couldve done was make me not feel anything, though im not sure they even intended for me to still be... alive"

"I really don't know how you feel things- well- hm ..." he thought for a moment and shrugged. Quickly he had rooted through some drawers to see if he could find any scissors 

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now