Ch.2 Page 6

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Meanwhile with William:

"Hmm...yep sounds like decompression..." he mumbles.

Half of his head was in one of the vents, and he slammed into the metal as he moved away from it, cursing all the while.

"FUCKIN- GOD DAMN IT-"he rubbed the back of his head, grabbing the axe with the other hand; grumbling. After a few moments of walking he thought out loud to himself

"Left Mike a while now... better get back to em-" he begins to walk at a fairly fast pace back to where he had left his son, for some reason feeling a little nervous.

Ennard had continued its tournament of Michael in the time being.

"YOU aRe NOTHING To HiM oR anyBody ElSe" its voice had slowly rose a little as the aggression bubbled over.

Michael had stopped for a second, looking Ennard in the eyes, tears forming at its words. The animatronic had found the deepest insecurity the young man had, and then rubbed it in his face.

"You ArE JusT gOing t o Be A PiLe of DuSt by tHe tIme I'm fInIsHed with yOu, aNd I Can Not WAIT".

The robots gaze glinted with excitement, observing what it had caused Michael to feel.

Mike turned his attention back to trying to get the wrench, his fingers just barely brushing the top of it. Ennard notices him trying to grab the wrench on his belt, and swiftly wraps some more wires around every finger on the boys' hand; pressing as tight as it possibly could in an attempt to crush his bones completely. The wires around his throat and mouth loosen as Ennards attention shifts. Michael screams out from the pain, gasping for air. He breaths heavily as the pain turns into throbbing agony. He uses the opportunity of the robots attention shift to cry out for his father.


William, who was quickly nearing to where Mike and Ennard were, stops for a moment as he hears his sons scream. His face turns white; a nauseating feeling enveloping him, fear growing in his eyes. He doesn't say a word but just runs as fast as he possibly could to get to where the young man was, adrenaline all of a sudden running high.

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now