Ch.2 Page 13

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Michael pulls his shirt down over the new bandages around his chest. He sighed then looked at his crushed hand and leg. 

"Guess we should deal with these now " he murmurs quietly to himself.

William takes a step back, shoving the remaining things into his pocket. He turned back to face mike when he heard him speak.

" eh..? Speak up michael if youre going to say something" he said a tad on the moody side.

"Oh-um-" He gestures to his hand. 

"Said guess we should deal with these-"He sighed again

"The gloves gonna be an issue-"

"Oh uh Yeah, it really isn't great. Could get you to a normal doctor... dunno what the hell they would do though- that's why i wanna take it cautiously "

William moved to the other side of the car, pulling the door open and sitting down in the drivers seat.

Michael sighs sadly and shakes his head at his fathers statement.

"I don't really think I want to find out either... I'd rather not be expiremnted on if I can help it heh-"

William drums his fingers on the steering wheel a second

 "hm- yeah. Not sure thatd end well for ya." 

After a couple moments of silence from both Aftons, Mike sighed softly again.

 "I'll just... take it off later I guess. Won't be the easiest of things but I'm not sure what else I could do" he looked sadly at his blood caked hand. The fingerless glove was covered in blood along with his bare fingers. 

"...You can cut it off- though i dunno how much you like em gloves" william suggested after thinking for a second.

Michael shifted his legs, grimacing as he did so when the pain flared up. He kind of shrugged at this. 

"I mean- They're not super important, just liked em. Also kinda helped with not getting sores or whatever when I fixed stuff"

"could always buy a new better pair" William leans back a little in the seat, seeming to fidget with his fingers and tie.

"Mhmm-i guess i could." Mike was so tired, he'd just been beaten by something that had been his organs for a short time. He was bleeding, broken, bruised, the young man just wanted to rest. 

"Though that is pretty smart of you , must say" William finally said, looking over at michael. He didnt really ever compliment michael, ever. But he figured why the hell not, mike had been beaten up enough... its not like he cared of course. Just... wanted to bring Michaels esteem up enough so he wouldn't die.. maybe so will could smash it down again too. Well, at least thats what Williams justification with all this was. nobody ever said that the justification was true though.

"Oh-um thanks" mike shifts his body a little more, smiling happily at the compliment.

"eh, dont mention it. Mean that seriously too" he turns the car engine on, leaning forward again. it immediately rumbled to life as he turned the key into the ignition.

" wanna head to your place again for now or you want me to see of i can buy ya some more pain killers? Theres only a few left soo..."

Michael leans back all the way, groaning painfully. 

"definitely more painkillers, preferably a lot. Pretty sure I got more then a couple broken bones in here hah..."

William swallowed, giving him a sideways glance as he started to pull  out of the abandoned parking lot.  

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now