Ch 4 page 3! (long awaited i know)

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Michael stood horrified, not being able to move but on looking at his brothers body. 

people were screaming in the background, children crying, adults yelling for someone to call an ambulance. all of those were muffled on michaels ears. all he could hear was a loud ringing sound, his eyes wide with absolute horror at the gruesome sight in front of him.

The past iteration of  William would quickly ran over , looking up at Evans now lifeless body hanging from the animatronics mouth. Will simply stayed silent. there was a sickening SPLAT as the bear reopened its mouth and dropped the dying boy. Michael and William could only stare in horror at the poor childs barely wheezing frame. It stays like this for what seems like eternity, william starts to reach out for Evan before his hands turn into fists . the older mans gaze flares up as he turns to look at Michael, the one who had done this to his youngest son. william grabs michael tightly on his arm , so tightly his fingernails began to draw blood from the teenager. of course... will didn't seem to care. " What. did you. just. Do." williams voice was low and even, but icey cold. " You mindless idiot , do you understand what you just did?" he forced a laugh looking down on michael.

Mike looked up at his father as tears sprung to his cornflower blue eyes both at wills grip and the stabbing words "I-I didn't-" the teenager didnt get a chance to even explain himself as william brutally cut him off with a snap.

" you murdered your own brother " his voice was dry as his eyes had an odd glint of pleasure to them. "you just murdered someone. Murdered him in cold blood in front of everyone to see " his grip gets impossinly tight,his voice rising with the anger.

michael sniffled and winced "it wasn't on- on purpose!! dad plea-"

william bitterly laughs at this again, roughly shoving his son a little but not enough for it to topple him over. Crouching down to his level , " you're a monster, a murderer. You killed him! How does it feel Michael ? How does it feels to know you took your brothers life for what- a srupid prank!?" williams anger is boiling over the edge at this point,  but for some reason a slight unhinged grin forms on his face.

"My my, you were angry weren't you william?" Glitchtrap said, both breaking william out of this moment, and mocking Afton at the same time.

The current  William looked at himself, quite literally. he was disgusted a little, though understood why he acted exactly the way he did . He felt oddly wrong for once at his actions. Maybe because he has spent more time with michael now, or maybe because he didn't feel the emotions as strongly as he did in the moment of Evans death. " do you have to comment on everything?!" He looks over at Glitchtrap with a snarl.

Glitch smiled with an amused chuckle, returning his gaze to watching the scene in front of them play out. William reluctantly turned his eyes to the past too.

"D-dad that-that hurts" Michael said hoarsely, his fear bubbling up mirroring his fathers boiling anger. 

" well you hurt evan! you ended his life! Look at you!! You're even still covered in his blood. You took his life away from him!" william suddenly grabs the teen sharply by his hair. michael screeched out a small yelp as tears began rolling down his face. will mumbles quietly enough for only Mike to really hear, a slight grin on his face"you feel great. dont you michael? you ENJOYED it!" wills anger leaves his voice momentarily replaced with a chilling pleased tone and unhinged giggling. Michael looks at his father with ansolute terror. 

"N-NO- dad PLEASE i didnt-!" hes cut off with a slap to the face followed by his father throwing him on the ground. William quiickly goes to evans side and picks him up, cradling the small boy. the ambulance shows up a few moments later to take william and evan to the hostpital. michael was left alone in a pool of his brothers blood with bits of brain and skull in it. all he could do was stare and silently cry as everyone else left the pizzeria.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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