Ch.2 Page 11

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The young man attempts to stand up, biting his lip and squeezing his eyes shut as he does. 

"Y-you need some help there?" William stands up, giving Michael an extremely concerned look.

"I, um... I'm fine... what are we gonna- do with that-" 

"Oh um- just to keep track of um- hm- yeah - well do you need help?" He avoids giving his son an answer and beings to walk over to him. 



"...sure- Don't think I can walk too well on my own ahah-" Like his father, Michael doesn't like to ask for help, he was hurting so much though. He was also tired as hell and couldn't protest.

"Yeah I guessed -"he walks over.

 "Uhh..if you need to you can lean on my shoulder or whatever, kind of like a crutch even though that sounds a little weird out loud-" 

Mike doesn't hesitate to lean against him; as much pain as he really was in, and frankly, the boy was exhausted. He sighs heavily 

"Thanks..." he murmurs.
"Ah-it's not a problem-" william starts to move very slowly at first, making sure it was a
manageable pace for Michael.

 "Right, let's get you back to the car and fix some of you up- and if you need to walk slower, that's fine too-" 

"Its fine. I may have gotten beat up by some nine year olds-"mike smiles weakly.

"but at least I'm not torn to shreds" 

Will laughs a little. 

"Well you practically are-"He lightly ruffles his sons hair in attempt to make him feel a little better. Will smiles, though again it seems saddened.

 If Michael had been in any less pain, he may have noticed his father's sadness. As it was, he was hurting too much to see it. The young man smiles as Will messed with his hair, the small bit of happiness fading, giving out to silent agony. He grimaces as they walk; constantly biting his lip trying not to cry out. He didn't want to let on how badly he was hurting. He didnt fully succeed ad a few sounds escaped his mouth.

 Will noticed but didn't know the full extent of the pain, though he had his suspicions.

 "We can go slower if you need to -"William's hushed voice fills the empty void of silence. 

"It's-its fine really- It's not as bad as you think heh..." Mike smiles but after a second drops it. 

His father's expression stays fairly worried. He doesn't reply but instead slowed just a tiny bit.

Mike sighs after a little bit of them walking.

"I think I see the door..."he murmured. 

"That's good, at least we don't have long to go "William smiles a little, genuinely somewhat happy with this news.

"Heh...y-yeah- kinda ready to get out of here"

 "Yeah, feels like forever we've been here, ay? " finally they had reached the door to the parking lot outside.

 "You could say that again-" 

Will manages to kick the door open with his foot. his side hurt a little due to the scratches from Ennard but not as much as michael was hurting so he brushed it off.

"Hm...yeah- don't wanna see this place again if I can help it, even if it's a pizzeria that I helped
design..." He goes to shrug but stops himself because of Mike. 

"Can't say I blame ya" Michael shakes his head lightly.

 "I p-practically grew up in the place and I-i don't want to go near it-"

"Yeah, nearly died here, again, somehow - don't need that thing around anymore. I'm glad it's gone."

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now