Ch.2 Pg 20

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Michael smiled a little and shifted himself up in the chair a bit more. he shifted trying to get comfortable, wincing a tad as he did so. William watched his oldest son with cautiousness and worry, though refused to let it show on his face.

" feelin any better? " the older of the two asked, looking over at his offspring. Mike glanced up at will as his father spoke. 

"I uh... y-yeah i think so- the painkillers seem to be working a little.hah.. but um...Obviously, as much as I hate to admit it, I'm still not top notch" he sighed sadly, running a hand through his hair wearily. 

"But- yeah I'm feeling a little better after cleaning up stuff"

william nodded at this, crossing his arms and leaning back. 

"that's a least a bit of good news for once... do you think you should get stitched up now or you wanna wait..?"

The younger man sighed and chuckled bitterly. he hated that this was even a question... he was so beat up and broken.. god he hated to think what his father was thinking about him right now. 

"might as well-don't want them to get worse when I sleep, which I definitely will be doing tonight"

"Bet you are. I would if where you." william shook his head and unintentionally copied michaels sighing. 

"should be done for now after that then, till tomorrow of course.." he scoops up the needle and thread that laid on the table. "patched up a lot of suits before making animatronics, so i have some knowledge though not sewing bloody skin together-" he chuckled a little, trying to lighten his sons spirits a bit.

"Ahah....Y-yeah isn't too hard. Though you may be better at it then I was" michael eyes the needle that william holds, while also watching his fathers mannerisms and expressions. he didnt want william... doing anything to him. even if mike was dead, he still had a lot of the same instinct of a living creature.

william simply shrugged at this, leaning forward again so he could better fix up the boy. " I dunno, ima not a medical expert so maybe i am maybe I ain't-" 

Michael pulled up his shirt so that william could start taking the bandages off. "Ah well, can't be as shitty as mine were"

"Ehhhhh...." he puts the needle back down on the table after threading it. then he began untying the bandages wrapped around the young mans torso.

"...Well probably not no, don't think i have ever saw you sew other than that in my life" The older man successfully untied it, somehow gracefully pulling the knot out. he starting to unwind it from around his chest, attempting to be careful with his son. 

Michael chuckles and sighs, wincing slightly. "Yeah, well, never had to learn... i Didn't think it'd be that hard either" he glanced at his father for a second before his gaze flitted away.

"...Had to do it a couple times before I got it right... and like three youtube videos" he murmured, still being loud enough to be heard.

"Hm- yeah it's not as easy as it looks but you get the hang of it-" he pulls the bandages off after unwinding a few more times, rolls them up into a ball, then tosses it into a small trashcan behind mike. 

"if you would practice you would get better " will picks up the needle and thread again while michael shifts uncomfortably in his seat. he hated this. 

the younger man was still holding his shirt up as william came closer again. The wound didn't look any better then then when mike had last seen it, it was bloodier since Ennards confrontation... a lot bloodier. michael was a bit surprised- he wasn't sure he had this much... if ANY blood still in him. he was mistaken.

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now