Ch.3 Pg 6

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William turns and simply glares at his suit, he seems far from calm as his gaze lays on the rabbit suit. The older man spoke, his tone extremely and beyond annoyed, going so far as to semi- shouting 

"where the FUCK is the medication ????"

it turned towards william and michael, who was now sitting on the couch with the crutch propped up next to him. Mike looked over at the two, not seeming as bothered by this.

"oh right! its in here, for safe keeping!" The bunny man takes his head off pulling out needles and liquid painkillers. he seemed very excited about this. There were two bags, one clear and one having a tinted orangish liquid in it. 

(look i dont know- i tried to find something to fit the story line but i'm not really good with medical research honestly. you'll find out later in the story ❤️ thanks for understanding sorry guys)

"still weird you can magically get these " William growls. Despite this he looks at all the pain killers and such , a little calmer though anger still undoubtedly present.

Mike also looks at them, seeing the needles. He shifted a bit and rubbed his wounded arm. The young man didnt seem entirely comfortable with this any more.

"oh. . . thars-thats how theyre going in-" a bit more purple left his eyes. Once again william was being a dumbass and didnt notice.

"unfortunately yeah -" William paused and glances at his son. 

" still trust him..?" He asks him, the tone rough and accusing.

At this, the suit  turned and stared at them, seeming to be looking straight at michael. If william had been paying more attention he probably wouldve seen the slight purple glow from the rabbits eyes. 

Mike groaned and grimaced as he brought a hand to his forehead, rubbing it. 

Will looked a little concerned but as he was annoyed, decided not to show it. Instead he just raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.


 "uh...y- yeah, why wouldnt i" Michael says cheerfully after opening his eyes and smilling. His eyes were purple again, Swirling with a bright neon purple glow.

"besides youre the one putting them in"

the rabbit suit carefully puts the supplies on the table as he watched the two aftons. 

William laughs harshly at this.  

"really?! You seriously still trust this thing?? I know i have done some fucked up shit but even I don't trust this piece of shit- " He glared back at the suit snarling a bit before his attention returned to his son.

Michael didnt meet his fathers gaze, just looked blankly to the side. This shielded the purple in his eyes from the older man. 

"You been acting weird since this thing showed up " William starts, uncrossing his arms. To him at least, it was clear something was off about the rabbit. He couldnt put his finger on it but.. SOMETHING was wrong. As well as that, he was letting off a bit of steam and worry for his last remaining child.

"am i the only one who can see this???" he lifted his hands and dropped them in disbelief.

Mike looks away, strangely enough not fidgeting like he normally did. The bunny looks at william and chuckles, putting a hand to his mouth. 

"Now will, dont be silly!" the tone was cheerfull and flippant.

"I'm not being fucking silly " William growls harshly. He wasnt done though. Oh no- he's simply just HAD it with this thing.

" You wouldn't let a stranger into the house and let it do all the shit that this bunny suit is doing-! this - this THINGS done something to you!!" he glares at at his suit uneasily, yet still keeping his accusing angered tone.

"And why exactly are you helping is another question i have for you!? What the fuck do you get out of it?" he whirls around to the rabbit accusingly 

the fursuit lets out a low laugh "William i havent done anything. Ive barely even touched the boy" theres seemingly a warning in his tone as he speaks to will.

"YOU HAVE" William voice became increasingly loud with rage as he yelled at this thing. how- how DARE this suit come into his house, well his sons... and act all buddy buddy??? how DARE he do something to his oldest son- only HE was allowed to mess with mike!!! He wasnt about to be replaced by an old murder suit.

"dunno what the fock you have done but he's aint actin the same "

He try's to calm himself down, breathing heavily.

"I'm not the issue here - that Furry ass bunny is-" William swallowed his voice a hint shakey. In all honesty he was worried like hell for whatever this thing had done to michael. Sure he hated him... didnt he?

The rabbit looks at michael, almost glaringly. 

Michael cleared his throat, looking back at his father.

"um... dad- i think you need to calm down...mean glitchtrap hasnt done anything-"

Will is about to say something but that.. that name... the older man stares at mike going silent, becoming fearfull.

" what did you just call that thing?" There was a bit of fear to his voice.


"Where and when did you get that name from..?"

Mikes face paled as he realized he made a mistake. He seemed a bit scared that he did. The now named rabbit laughed again, this time low and happy sounding.

"Fine fine, maybe there is something I get out of this. Least theres SOME sort of brain in there William!!" The rabbits smiling face glared at Mike. The young man seemed to shrink a bit in the couch and glanced away.

William was a bit surprised he was admitting his suspicions...but then again the name completley gave him away.  

"what have you done to him-" he glances at mike and then back to Glitchtrap worriedly.

"Ah ya know" Glitch leaned on the counter "just some simple mind control- nothing big!" he giggled

William stares at him then over to mike , fear for his son sat in his eyes before returning his gaze back to the oversized rabbit. 

"Why?, what the fuck do you want with him?" He growled while his suit in return chuckled

michael was still looking away from all of this, not meeting either glitch nor williams eyes. 

"its not really what i want from him, but from you!!"

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now