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you guys holy SHIT i'm so fucking blown AWAY by how many people are liking this book!!!! im so flattered and honored you guys love it so much, because i love writing it!!! as much entertainment it is for you all, its fun for me to put the role play me and my girlfriend have been doing for MONTHS into writing!!! i'm just- BAFFLED. every time i log in there's MORE people who have seen my book and comments every day! i love replying to you guys thoughts or comments about certain parts- when i get a comment it literally brightens my day so MUCH.  as of right now i have 8.5k reads which like i said, holy SHIT. thanks so much you guys and i hope you enjoy continuing reading!!!! as a thank you here's a special little michael afton drawing i wont post anywhere else (its not much but i'm proud of it soo yeah enjoy) love you guys so much and thanks again!!! 

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