CHAPTER 4 PAGE 1: A Murderers Memory's

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William pales at glitch-traps statement, even though he wasn't really physically there. 

Glitch saw this reaction, his smile growing wider at it. he chuckled as he spoke again. 

"You and I will go into the memory, and you will relive it! You will be aware what's going to happen, but you will be unable to stop it from happening, after all it's a memory"

" what the actual fuck -" William once again looks at the memory then over at Glitchtrap , reading his happy expression, glaring at this. The rabbits happy moments never seemed to benefit him in anyway. 

"argh .... DAMMIT i wish i could shove your ugly ass face into a fucking shredder , then you wouldn't be laughing then" he growled, anger bubbling up in his tone.

the rabbit simple giggles in response "thats quite violent willy!! remember, you're the one who agreed to this!!" 

William hated that he continued bringing that fact up. He had to keep telling himself that it was to keep Michael safe... just to um... continue the family name of course. 

he completely disregarded the fact his son was dead.

he thought for a moment while staring blankly at will with the same cold smile before jumping into speaking.

"ah yes!!! as well as that ive pulled other details from michaels memory to create an experience of an onlooker!!! hope you enjoy it!"

Will was silent at this, clenching his fist tightly. 

"Are you ready to watch it for the second time William?"

" no " the older Afton bluntly replied.

"Great!" The rabbit suddenly appears behind will, shoving him into the memory. 

William wasn't exactly expecting this and falls over at being shoved ,landing flat on his face no less. He quickly stood up , breathing becoming slightly heavy for a moment before settling at a normal pace.

"Argh- ass hole , furry face , dirt trap-" he mumbles aggressively under his breath before looking about uneasy .

A ghostly purple see through version of glitch appeared above his head "now will that isn't very nice, especially at a family friendly diner!"

will doesn't jump to much , expecting the humanized suit to appear but flinches "it's a memory, I don't give one fuck about what i say in it now" He glares up at him before letting his gaze wander over all the details.

William was in the pizzeria, the day of Chris's party. The final time he would see his son alive and moving. 

The day Michael had murdered his own brother.

William seems a little worried about being here, the place giving his major anxiety. considering the memory he was about to relive that surrounded this place, it wasnt too suprising . Although Glitch had told him he couldn't change anything and he knew that would make him more emotional if he did, he couldn't help feel the urge to change it. Will mainly blamed Mike for this event, even now. however... he still found himself feeling a bit... guilty, seen as they were his animatronics and kids.

He proceeds walks from where he was a little, seeing his oldest with his so called friends.

Michael and his buddy's  were around Chris at the moment, teasing and laughing at the young boys cries.

William breathes a little, slightly forgetting this was a memory walking over.

"Your brother is such a fucking crybaby!" The Freddy masked kid laughed

Mike laughed at the comment "I know right? he always carries that stupid bear around where ever he goes. Never leaves the goddamn house without it!!"

the rest of the bullies laughed at this. 

"what a WIMP!!" the child in the chica mask taunted.

William was a little annoyed by the tone of the kids, still keeping a fair distance. he looked over at mike with a slightly disappointing glare, anger bubbling slightly at his oldest.

The Bonnie kid grabbed Chris's plush with a smirk. 

"S-stop!! G-give it back- please!" Chris cried out, trying to grab the plush toy.

The Bonnie mask simply laughed at the pleading child. 

"Awww what are ya gonna do, cry about it some more?" chica mask snickered.

william was getting more and more aggravated staring at them, the urge of wanting to walk over and beat the living daylights out of them.

Michael didn't do anything but laugh right along with them.

"He always has it with him!!! mean... he's practically in LOVE with the little shit" the teenager says this in a mocking tone, making a little kissy face afterwords. 

The younger boy turned to look at his brother "please Michael, j-just make them giv- give it back"

william finally moves from where he was standing , though not sure if he would give Glitchtrap the satisfaction of expressing too much emotion. This really how his son acted? He was a little irritated at himself he didn't notice sooner the way he was treating Chris.

Mike ignored his brother "if you love him so much, you should marry him!"

The Bonnie kid chimes in "yeah!"

Glitch floats over to William "so amusing isn't it? Such chaos here! the tension is almost unbearable!!"

William looks over at the ghostly rabbit "Not bloody amusing asshat... but it is chaos - " he looks over at the kids and back at glitch, moving a little farther from him.

"keep forgetting you're here-" he mumbles under his breath, glaring at the suit.

chica: when's the wedding Chrissy? gonna have spring bonnie as your little flower girl?" 

the tone continued to be mocking followed by howling laughter.

mike hoped his father would hear, seemingly turning to look at a door in the back. When nobody came from it he looked saddened... then angry. Michael glances over at the animatronic bear on the stage, a slow smirk rising to his face. "well, why not have the wedding now? He's right over there Chris." He smiles at the younger boy, not reaching his eyes.

Chris's eyes widen at this. He was obsessed with fredbear, the comics and plush's, the stories his father told him. However the animatronics. . . they scared the living hell out of him.

"M-mike no!"

Glitch sighed "look at the terror on the boys face, so refreshing!" He says gleefully, hoping to aggrivate William more.

will becomes fairly more tense , trying to ignore Glitch-trap but subconsciously looking at Chris without thinking.

Michael laughed "cmon guys, I think the little guy wants to get up close and personal with his future husband!"

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now