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Will looks at him confused for a second

"Don't be telling me you're having a heart attack right now or some shit." He says this sarcastically, but a hint of worry crosses his gaze.

Michael suddenly falls onto his knees and looks up at William with fear written all over his face.

"Whoa-Michael, what the fuck has gotten into you-"he goes to run forward to help the boy, but stops himself halfway there.

"Mike- this isn't funny-"

Michael manages to choke out a word

"D-dad,it-"he doesn't get to say much more as the sound continues. An awful hacking coughing fills the room, coming from the young man.

"What?" Will wouldn't sound sarcastic this time.

"Shit- Michael?!" He steps closer to him, but still keeps a little distance.

Mike starts coughing up blood; the tears he had been holding back only moments before start flowing freely, this time from pain.

"HOLY CRAP- argh-"he shifts on his feet for a sec, debating on what to do.

"Oh, fuck it!" He half runs to Michaeland crouches down next to him.

"H-hold on just-just let me call an ambulance"William goes to grab his phone in his pocket, but it isn't there

"For god- Imust of left it - FUCKING IDIOT!! - argh um ok-ok-" he was starting to panic a little.

Meanwhile, Michael wasn't getting any better. In fact it just got worse. The coughing and choking suddenly turned into the sound of regurgitation. The boy starts hacking up whatever is causing him to choke, and something in his body seems to move up. A couple metal wires begin to slowly come out of his mouth.

William looks back at his son.

"What the- "He looks confused and fearful at the same time

"Mike- the fuck have you- HOLY- What THE HELL MIKE OH MY GOD - please for the love of god tell me this is a fucking nightmare-" he looks pretty shaken,fearful, and extremely worried.

Michael managed to look up, wires hanging out. He looked equally as confused and fearful. There is one emotion there that William didn't have at the moment, and that was pain.

"Is that- a- an animatronic? Fuck- I- I need toget this this thing out of your body whatever the fuck it is erm- just hang in there ok?" He sounds very concerned for Michael, his voice cracking a tad but still holding his somewhat intimidating tone. He isn't sure what to do but grabs some of the wires, just wanting to get even a little bit out of his sonssystem.

Michael was attempting to gasp for air, making a gurgling choking sound in the process. At the same time his body heaving, attempting to rid his body of whatever was in it. After one final sound,Michael throws up whatever was in his body. His eyes roll back in his head and he passes out in the small pool of his own blood that had formed underneath him.

"Michael?! MIKE?!? Can you hear me?!" William quickly looks over at him lying in his blood, his voicecompletely seeming to break down. His cracking voice mirrored his crumbling mental state. He slightly shook his son, trying to wake him up. It seemed he had completely forgotten the words he had said earlier, the only thing on his mind was if his son was alright. After a second, he turns to look at the thing that had come out of Michael's body.

Coils and different sized wires had started to wrap around oneanother, making a cruel human form. Its arms were longer then a normal humans, the torso formed and it was uneven and unsettling. Its head formed finally, revealing a single bright blue eye on the left side of its face. It actually had eyes all over its body, different colors and sizes, but all connected to the thing. It slowly stands up, and turns it's head to look at William and Michael. Its gaze seems thoroughly amused with the two humans in front of it.

Will watches it stand up with a sudden overwhelming pit of rage.

"DON'T YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING ANYWHERE-"he sees a broken plank of wood laying on the floor a little ways away and quickly grabs it. The creature turns its gaze so that it's looking directly at William. Will holds the wood in front of him, almost as if it's a bat. He glares at it, his gaze still furious.

"You think this is funny, ay?" It tilts its head, looking at the plank in the man's hands.

He growls at it in a low tone "I'll show you funny -"

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now