Ch.3 Pg 2

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Michael sighs at his fathers question and sort of rubs his neck. "Yeah unfortunaly.."

William looked his son up and down, studying his condition a little more. His eye caught on the once white t-shirt haphazardly wrapped around his leg. he raised an eyebrow at mike with a questioning stare.

"...i uh.... Tried to clean up my leg last night- decided my shirt was already ruined so.." mike looked away as he shrugged a little 

"just used that.."

"oh. . . well we can try and patch it up a bit today or whatever the fuck. Like you said, sure we can make a crutch type thing for ya" william shoves the jar of pills in his pocket and walks over to him, stopping when he was semi close to the younger afton.

"Guess that's a plan for the day. Get a crutch and figure out somethin for my hand" mike shakes his head and sadly laughs to himself

"...guess I'm crippled now, and I'm only 23"

William chuckled at the statement a little, smirking slightly. 

"and before me , and ima 48 this year"

"Ah don't look so smug-you'll get there some day" michael says smiling as he watches will come over. His stare was weary and pained, and still obviously very very tired.

" ah well, very unlikely that will happen anytime soon."William stands by his side so mike could lean on him to walk. He knew his son was in pain but couldnt do anything about it while he was standing.

"Just keep telling yourself that" Michael muttered, leaning on his father as he let out a shakey sigh. He stumbled and a sharp intake of breath escaped his lips. Mike ended up tripping right into william, groaning.

"woah- hey be carefull-" Williams tone showed a little worry for mike, even though usually that wasnt the case. he would credit it to his sleepiness down the line.

"S-Stupid animatronic, just had to fuck up my leg. Wasn't- wasnt my hand enough?" He shook his head upset.

Will gave a side glance before looking away, sighing sadly at this information. His words however held an angry, aggravated tone. He began to walk, taking a small step forward so mike would get the idea that they were going. 

"that thing shouldn't of attacked you in the bloody first place. should of just left you be" the older man growled the last statement.

Mike shrugs a little, not really focusing too much on what he was saying or is father. He was mainly focused on not crying out and making any pained noises. 

"ah well, we-we were going to get rid of it"

the young man grimaced a little "doesn't mean it doesn-doesn't hurt though"

"guess it's good we did , yeah-" William let out an aggravated sigh "well lets just hope that everything can be fixed, if not , ima gonna fucking melt that thing down into puddle "

William and his son began to walk into the kitchen now, will still being very carefully to go slow so michael could keep up. As well as cause the least amount of pain possible.

Mike chuckled slightly"i-I'm sure it'd be so scared of you, seeing as how you destroyed it last time"

He had started out the statement sarcastic, but it turned genuine

"...give yourself a bit of credit, i know ima great but I might not be here if it wasn't for you" he says it lightly and not very serious even though that could be the case

"Oh- uh- y- your welcome" Michael was never really sure how to respond to compliments or sincerity towards him. His teenage years with his fathers abuse and his younger brothers death had fucked him up. He loved the compliments and he loved when people were nice to him... he just never felt like he deserved it. 

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now