Ch.2 Pg 18

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Mike smiled a little. "in the mean time ill just bandage it- and take alot of painkillers, though i was planning on doing the last part anyways" he sighed and glanced at his hand before his gaze returned to his father.

"which- many of those is reccomended at once-?"

"Uhh i think 1-2 seen as i got the strongest ones in there " he checks the label for good measure *

"great so four then?"

"-"William pauses.

michael simply smiles at his fathers look while william rolled his eyes 

 " fuck off" the older man growled and looked back at his son in annoyance. 

"ah cmon, thats for people who are alive, besides nobody really only takes two"

" well you can still feel shit so I'm pretty sure if you overdose ur gonna feel the side effects"

Mike rolls his eyes shakes his head sighing "fine fine " his gaze returned to his hand.

"help me bandage this in the mean time?" he asks referring to the mangled mess attached to him.

will sighed and let his gaze wander to it as well "Uh sure... long as it helps sure. Where are the bandages..?"

"i think there where some more in my room- which-grab the needle and thread while your in there? might as well redo the stitches while we're um...while we're fixing me"

not sure if itll help, but i really dont want to have to look it"

" uhh ok , give us a minute-" he would move away from him and heads off to his bedroom *

He would walk in and look around for the thread and bandages in the room *

He would pick them up sighing a little, trying to not pay to much attention to the needle for obvious reasons-. He would close the door over and walk out heading back to the kitchen *

michael looks back as his father returns. "oh um.. we should probably clean of my hand as much as possible-"

he puts them down on the table*

Oh, that's probably a good idea " * he mumbles*

Yeah- it's pretty nasty lookin"

" have the antiseptic wipes in the back of the car if you want me to go get them"

He nods "ok- "

I'd get them myself, but I'm a little incapacitated at the moment" he smiled a little

" yeah I didn't notice "

He would say it sarcastically but in a lighter tone *

I'll be a min-" he opens the door and shuts it over walking out to the car *

Michael leaned back in the chair,staring at his hand as his father walked outside.

William goes into the back of the vehicle, grabbing out the box. He went to grab the wipes but something catches his eyes and he pulls out a sheet of paper. his eyes widened at this 

"shit how the fuck did this get in here-" he looks at it for a moment seeming nervous. It was some rough notes about extracting remnant and he quickly shoves it in his pocket grabbing the wipes. 

"Hm-" The older man thought for a moment. the sheet reminded him that even if it might not make you immortal , it could potentially help heal up mike if he tweaked it , though it might take a fair amount of time. He decided to shove it to the back of his mind and his pocket in the meantime.

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now