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Michael was becoming more aware by the minute. His eyes widened as he watched the two struggle

"The hell- dad..??? Do you want me to hel-?"

He would glance over, his attention drawn to Mike as he attempts to drag Ennard towards a nearby pipe on the wall.

"Can't you see I'm busy?!?"

Mike grabbed his side as he propped himself up against the wall, grimacing. 

 "Goddammit- yes Dad that's why I was asking if- if you needed help!!"

Ennard twisted itself around, something seemingly clicking inside its twisted mind. Wires untangled itself from the body and wrapped themselves around Williams middle.

"Well of COURSE I don't ne- " he looks down, all of his movements stopping and his breathing became a little but more heavy. His eyes settled on the creature, a welling pit of dread filling his body and fear filling his eyes.

"You sure you don't need help? Shit-"

Michael looked around the room looking for anything to use as a possible weapon.

William lets go of the wires in an instant, tugging on the ones wrapped around his body in an attempt to pull himself free.

"Ok um-on second thought-"

Mike's eyes settle on half of an old brick and he quickly goes to pick it up, adrenaline bypassing the pain. Meanwhile Ennard had slowly started to squeeze William, looking at him straight in the eyes wanting to see his pain.

"Y-You know kind of ironic I'm gonna die by how I k-killed those kids-" Will  gasps for air, his voice becoming more scratchy and movements becoming slightly slower. They quickly become rapid after a few seconds, scrabbling to break free from the robots grasp. 

"You're not going to die" Mike muttered quietly under his breath. 

"Hey! - let him go, asshole!!" He yelled at the creature throwing the brick, and with surprising accuracy hitting its eye as it turned to look at him. The eye fell to the ground, cracking as it hit the floor.

What followed was an eerie, echoing silence. The only sound was of William struggling against Ennards restraints, and trying to breath.

Will attempted to speak but he could barely breathe that much at this point, so it came out as muffled short gurgled gasps.

Michael looked at his father concern written all over his face. He turned back to the creature after a second.

"Yeah- thats right! What are ya gonna do now you bloody abomination?!?"

The creature made a slow growling rumbling sound, deciding what to do.

"A-ss ho l- "  Will smirked a little while  continuing to do anything he could to weaken its grasp on him. He was  mumbling stuff that was probably insults to the creature, but it was so scratchy it was inaudible.

"Well?!?" Michael challenge,  just wanting the thing to let William go.

" Ya know-he isn't much fun, he seems to escape death every turn. If-if you're looking for someone to torture I... I can't die"

He threw the other half of brick at it half heartedly. 

William slowly reaches his hand as far as he could up to try grab a pipe behind him. Ennards' wires hadn't loosened much at all, but he tried to be quiet as to not alert the robot of what he was doing. He looked over at Mike with a worried gaze, pausing for a moment.

The creature seemed to snarl at Michael.

Michael met his fathers look with a look almost saying its fine.

Will quickly turned he attention back to the pipes. He managed to grab onto the pipe, dust covering his palm as he tried to loosen it. As much as he tried to keep quiet, the sounds of bolts being broken filled the room. 

The creature whipped around to the sound of the pipe.

Mike frantically tried to gain its attention again. 

"H-Hey! No-! Look at me- I'm the one you want not him-!"

William pulls the pipe free, steam or smoke of some sort pouring out of it as he held the new weapon. He swung it back and with every drop of strength he had left, hit the robot straight in the face.

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now