Ch.2 Page 15

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They pulled into the drive way of mikes place and William parked the car, blinking for a moment then shaking his head. 

"we're back at your house or whatever... just like this morning- you need any help getting out..?" William gave his son a sideways glance as he unbuckled his seatbelt.

As it was, mike most likely did but his pride had already been shattered today from ennard. hed also needed help walking to the car from william. He didnt want to seem weak and helpless to his father... even if it was a little late for that.

" i think ill try to walk on my own this time"

Michael opened the door, wincing a tad as he shifted his weight. though he quickly tried to hide that he was in pain.

"Ah ok... " William still looks a bit worried at Mike as he gets out of the car, not completely sure if he should let him walk on his
own. he raised an eyebrow at his son. 

 " sure?"

Michael put his right foot out, it was in much better condition then his left one. he put more of his weight on it, and stood up, putting his left hand on the car door. His face was in a pained expression for a second
he quickley noticed his father to the side and hid the expression smiling wearily. 
 william looked over at him extremely concerned shutting the car doors and locking it.
"You know , ima not bother if you need help-"
will walks over to the front door unlocking it and opening it seen as he had grabbed mikes keys off him earlier.
Michael lets out a forced hoarse laugh.

"yeah yeah, ill-ill manage somehow.." he kept trying to shuffle over to the end of the car so he could easily get to the house. 

"...Right." will put his hands in his pockets and stood by the doorway, shifting a little. He didnt like seeing his son in pain... he really didnt. Why didnt he? Didnt michael deserve to hurt and suffer? especially after what he did to chris- despite this thinking william still couldn't help but hate seeing mike like this.

Michael took his hand off the car, and walked with a slight limp to the house. as much as he tried to hide it, it was obvious that it wasnt anywhere near comfortable what he was trying to play off. his breathing got a little heavier with every step as he tried to ignore the pain. mike made it to the side of the house and put his hand on it to steady himself. he smiled at his father.

"see? i-i got this..

"You haven't got shit." William said this in an irritated tone, but it was mainly to cover up his concern

" you need help... focking dumbass-"

Michael scoffed at this

"ah cmon have a little faith in me" he leaned on the wall as he tried to walk over. his lip was a little bloody from how hard hed been biting it

William rolls his eyes " for fucks sake- " he walked over to him. 

" not gonna have faith when you're clearly lyin-  your ego or whatever shit can get lost" Will made it to michaels side, still aggravated but very worried.

" just god damn it michael, let me help " he says it with an irritated tone but there was also a tint of fear for him, shown in the older mans voice cracking.

michael let out a defeated sigh.

"fine, fine, if you insist.." he seemed cocky and teasing.

William would seem a little pleased that he managed to convinced him, though rolled his eyes and huffed in annoyance at the statement.

"oh shut up.." he murmured

Michael smirked and took his hand off the wall as will came closer.he stumbled a little bit and yelped. William quickly steadied him, being used as a sort of crutch again. Michael shook his head, sighing.

"...i really need to do something about this.." he said looking at his fucked up leg.

" no shit, sure if we think for a while and stuff we can find a way to fix it cos of this bullshit" 

"If we think about it for a little bit, bet we could fix something up"
he slightly smiled at his fathers overuse of cursing, leaning against him only as much as he needed.

"i mean, you are a robotics engineer; and im a mechanic for the robots-got no doubt something could be done." then he tripped a little on the concrete yelping a little bit after talking. 

"god fuckin- now is not the time to be clumsy... stupid damn.." he muttered. cursing to himself under his breath.

William holds his breath for a moment as mike trips a little, exhaling slightly once he steadied.

" i agree, try not to be a moron and trip"

The young man rolls his eyes at this.

"yeah thanks for the encouragement"

He laughs a little "That's what i'm here for" he smirked at his son.

when they get to the door michael grimaces as he steps up into the house

Wills grin fades his expression looking troubled . He would swallow, beginning to despise seeing mike in pain at all. he really didnt understand why- but he hated it. 

" not too far from a chair now" he would say trying to raise his spirits a tad*
Mike smiles tiredly 

"yeah, just getting off my feet would be nice." michael chuckles a little.

"or i guess yours.."

"Hm.. yeah. dont need you fucking up my walking along with yours. " William; despite this comment, smiled a little more genuine this time.

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now