Ch.3 Pg 7

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William moved over to where mike was still sitting, staying away from the now named glitchtrap.

"what- what exactly would that be ...?"

"Well-" Glitch turned his body so he could look at William 

"I wanted to posses you!!" he said cheerfully, sighing sadly afterwords.

"unfortunately while you are wounded, your mind was much to strong for me to take control over....But Michael here..."

William glanced at mike with worry and fear filling his eyes. After a moment he looked back to glitchtrap.

Michael looked up at his name, his own eyes cloudy, dazed, and completely unfocused. 

Glitch chuckled at this "well just look at the boy!! I probably shouldn't have told him my name but he insisted."

" yes he's fucked up right now , I didn't notice." Sarcasm was present in his voice, the statement dripping with it. He growled. 

"still ,clearly has some power over you if he can get a name off you" will was now slightly smug, despite the fact that his worry was growing every second for his son. 

Glitchtrap seemed to sigh exasperated at williams statement.

"I'm not heartless will, he asked a lot of questions, thought I'd answer a few!!"

He put his elbows on the counter, hands under his chin. 

"He tried to put up a fight when I told him I wanted you, only letting me take control when I said I'd kill you if he didn't let me!!"

He said this flippantly and joyfully. Glitch seemed to take pleasure in this emotional torture, eyes glittering excitedly.

Williams expression flickers, a mix of sad surprise and anger. The anger was growing along with the previous mentioned worry.

 " so you used him?" The older afton growled. He decided to ignore the fact he had used a lot of people in his days for his own gain.

"Mhmm! That's right" the rabbit giggled.

William swallows and glares at glitch, his gaze filled with malice.

"... if that isn't sick and heartless i dunno what is "

The fursuit giggled again, tilting his head.

"You do remember I'm you right William?"

"I don't fucking care if you're me . You're only a part of me - we aren't the same person" he sounds a little doubtful for a second before it turns back into anger. He was intensely worried... that worry turning into fear.

" I wouldn't do this-" he glances at Michael a bit sorrowfully. 

"Oh don't worry he's still trying to fight me. As aggravating as that is."

He laughed the statement off, more like a cackle in all honesty.

 "but at the moment I am stronger then him! Isn't that amusing?"

" you have an unfair advantage, he's clearly not in the right condition to deal with this bullshit " William did not appreciate some dusty old rabbit suit coming in and controlling his son. He didnt appreciate it at all. his hands were balled up into fists, william flexing his fingers now and then. He made a low chuckle, trying to breath.

". . .still fighting back though? Just proves if he wasnt hurt as fuck, you wouldn't have control of him"

Glitchtrap shrugs flippantly. 

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now