Ch.1 Page 13

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Mike rolled his eyes at his father.

"Except you dont look half as good as i do, even dead im better looking" Michael smirked a little, putting his hands behind his head

"Oh yeah? Keep wishing , I look ten times better than you . You look like you're still fifteen years old but Ya got run over by a cab and mistaken for roadkill" William emphasized certain parts for effect.

Mike shakes his head at his father, still smiling.

"looks like your finally going senile. Well, more so"

William just glares at his son coldly.

"I'm not that old -" will narrows his eyes briefly before looking away.

Michael chuckles at this.

"You never were the joking type were ya" he sighed

"Ah well, stupidity wasn't my area either but for some reason, you somehow happen to have that quality"

Michael sighs again, this time his eyes turning a little sad, a little bit hurt. He looked away from William. 

William narrowed his eyes, glaring at his son again. He looked back towards the Tv after staring coldly at the boy for a few seconds. Silence filled the room once more, the television quietly playing in the background. The awkward silence continues for a good time, Mike glancing at the tv off and on. He wanted to say something, but wasn't sure how William would react to it. Wasn't sure what he would do.

Michael finally leans forward a little, careful not to pull on his wound. He clears his throat, a little nervous but at the same time confident in what hes about to say.

"you know...we probably should go back and stop th- Ennard, before it decides to play dress up with somebody else." Michael looked up at his father, watching his reaction.

William didn't even bat an eye, the only acknowledgement he heard the boy was a glance over at him.

" well i mean, who the hell is it gonna get? We aren't effected so it should be fine" he blinks slowly in a sudden foggy like daze.

Mike glared at william.

 "we're the only ones who know about it, ennard is your mistake. We shouldnt let somebody else die because of it."

Will shrugged, seemingly not caring.

"you seen what it did last time , could easily do that to the both of us if we go. Probably worse, and it isn't my place to help people. Like I said earlier, I got an image to keep up boy"

"you're right, it could. Im already dead so, it wont matter if it catches me." mike stood up out of the chair.

"You dont have to come, but im not letting some unsuspecting person die because of something you did"

Will turned to stared at him for a second, clearly judging his decision. He narrowed his eyes at his son.

"you are barely fit to walk. How the fuck are you gonna take on that thing on your own?"

Michael sighed sadly 

"ill figure it out as I go i guess..."

William grumbles for a moment and seems to be thinking to himself until he let out a sigh.

"...fine I'll fucking come -" he said it rudely and childishly which even though he was in his late 40s and possibly 50s, William Afton acted like a spoiled little brat at times. he killed kids yet is acting like one, there's his twisted logic for you.

Michael slightly smiles at this. He was relieved that he wouldn't be alone, even if it was his father; the last person he would ever want to be with.


William stands up quickly and shuts the tv off 

"Gonna need some weapons though if you're gonna make some damage on that thing "

Mike looks surprised at this. He hadn't thought of that, but for once agreed with his father.

"um-i- i guess...I mean I don't really have-"

William interrupted him.

"If you don't have anything here, in one of the storage rooms at home i keep a box full of stuff that could be useful"

" ok."

"I have a lot of shit at home, which i could grab on the way there. You know cos of all my robotics and building and junk "

"Alright. We can leave tomorrow morning"

"Ok that's good, guess we need the rest first, especially you -" he slowly sits back down in the chair again.

Mike smiles, suddenly realising how tired he really was.

William would yawn himself for a moment.

"yeah sleep would be good , if ima tired you're gonna be way beyond that "

"I guess i am"

"Yeah so get some bloody fucking sleep"

"Ill see you in the morning then"Michael said tiredly.

He headed towards his room, falling asleep almost as soon as he hit the bed, not bothering to chane out of his clothes.

William didn't fall asleep as easily and sat in the chair for a while in thought . He checked up on mike once or twice just to make sure he was ok and that none of his stitches had pulled out. Afterwords he went back to the chair and eventually fell sound asleep.

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now