Ch.2 Page 7

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Ennard tightens its wires around Michael's mouth, outrage again filling his eyes, the cracking started to become louder and sounded deeper. Mike was crying now, his body in such agony he could barely think. His vision was getting fuzzy and he started to get a ringing in his ears. The look on the animatronics face in front of him seemed to resemble someone gritting their teeth.

"S t aY – "a shadow falls over the two, followed by footsteps, then the movement of air as Williams axe slices right into the side of Ennard's head.

"-THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY SON" William pulled the axe back out of the robots supposed skull, leaving a large chuck of his head missing and cracks all down the mask.

​Ennard produces a loud hissing noise, not because of pain, but frustration. The tightness in the tangled mess of wires around Mike's body suddenly disappeared. He gasps for air again, crying out as he tries to move his hand. William breathes heavily, a look of hatred on his face as Ennard shifts some of its wires which were moving to attack the man.

Will had already took the liberty of giving another blow to the animatronics torso. Yet again it let out a piercing hiss of outrage. It suddenly fully whipped around. Its arms and many of its wires were trying to push William off his feet, or at the very least pull away his axe. Most of the cords had shifted from Mike at this point, still a few remaining. Michael attempts to pull the last few off, flinching from the pain in using his hand. Ennard managed to wrap a few wires around William once again trying to strangle him to death. Will didn't have a way to stop this, as Ennard was so close.

He held the axe up and pressed it against Ennards head, it making a loud crushing noise. Somehow some of the thicker wires broke, even though it was just a simple axe. Will gags a little bit as the wires get tighter, even so, the force he applied to the axe also increased. The former child murderer wasn't going to back down, especially from something he designed. William was making more and more wires snap until Ennard suddenly pulled away for a moment; a few wires sat on the floor, disconnected from the robots body. William took a large breath, and wobbly stands up, not as dazed as it would seem.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE YOU BITCHY ASS SPAGHETTI MESS-"he yells at it angrily, coughing a little bit.

Ennard doesn't reply but instead stays quiet, glaring over at William. He decides to ignore Will, a few coils once again returned to Michael's arms, becoming tight once more. Mike's eyes widen and he cries out, his face already tear stained. A low evil laugh filled the hallway, coming from Ennard chest. Its grin seemed ten times creepier than before, seeing as William had broken half of the mask off of its face.

"FUCK –"he looks fearful for Michael, holding out his axe in front of him. He proceeded to walk backwards at a slow pace, turning in the opposite direction, and running around the corner.

Ennard tilts his head for a moment, confused by the seemingly sudden change in Will's actions. The creature was extremely confused by this but brushed it off, taking it as the man finally abandoning his son. It thought it was about time he did. The boy was pathetic.

It turned its attention back to Mike again,the crushing continued once more on the boys' body. It was taking no hesitation to harm him as much as possible.

Michael choked out a cry as he heard and felt the bones cracking in his arm. It laughed at this.

"See, little Afton..? He has ABANDONED you. He left you. He didn't care, and he never will. Did you REALLY THINK he would?" it cackled at him.

"How STUPID and utterly PATHETIC of you". Mike looked away, squeezing his eyes shut. 

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now