Ch.1 (page 6??)

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Ennard paused seemingly stunned by the mans aggressive action.

The grip of the wires loosens a bit on william.

Will quickly pulled himself loose, gasping for air and slowly getting to his feet a little stunted from the lack of air.

Michael was Immediately pushed into action and started running over to his father during the robots apparent confusion. Key word is apparent. As he was going past the thing, a thick coil shot out tripping him causing him to land on his back. The adrenaline had worn off. The young man cried out, cursing himself as pain returned 

"AAGH- fuck-sh-shit!"

"SHIT -" William suddenly looked a lot less out of it as he gained his breath back, picking up the pipe he had instinctively dropped when the animatronic has let him go. He ran over to Michael trying to stay vigilant so he wouldn't get tripped over too.

"Fuck-are you ok!?" He checks over Michael like an overprotective mother for a moment and tries to drag his son to his feet.

Michael groaned

"W-What do you think- "he winced as he sat up.

Williams gaze became a little more harsh at the sarcasm 

"Well you know what I mean-" he grumbled while glancing around.

A coil suddenly shot out from Ennard, grabbing the closest thing to it, which was Michaels leg.

Mikes eyes widened as he realized what had gotten a hold of him.

"NOT FUCKING AGAIN" William yelled angrily. 

Out of no where he reaches into his pocket taking out a small pocket knife and stabbing it through a part of the wire that was not wrapped around the young man's leg. 


Will had expected that the coil would get off of his son, but seeing as it couldn't feel anything it did not.

Michael was frantically trying to pry of the coil, not wanting to get close to the robot again.

"OH CMON NOW- THATS PLAIN NOT FAIR!!!"William yelled again in a childlike manner, completely seeming to zone out of the fact that Mike was in danger for a moment. He looked over at Michael.

Michael regarded him coldly. "It seems like you're more worried about winning then my safety-"

"It really isn't time to talk about my obsession with being overpowered and winning - " Will glared at him for a moment. He turned his attention back to his mikes foot and grabbed onto the coils around the base of the boys leg and looked up at him. 

"You worked on the animatronics here, right? Don't ya got some pliers or shit?"

The wire started to pull on his leg harder "- uh- I-I don't have pliers but I have this-this wrench thing? Would that work?"

"Well you're the mechanic , how bout you use it" his voice was  flat and just as cold as mikes at this point, clearly annoyed at the young man confronting him.

"I- you built robo-! Whatever fine, fine-"he quickly takes it off his belt and leans down to his foot, incoherent muttering as Michael started to dismantle it.

Will grabs one section of it and pulls it towards Mike to make it easier for him to loosen the wires.

He quickly tears into it wires breaking off

He shakes his foot out of its hold*

"Wow, looks like you're not completely useless after all" his comment didn't seem too serious by the tone of his voice, even if his eyes seemed dull and blank. He let go of the wires, looking over at Ennard with a hateful expression.

"Can you kindly fuck of now spaghetti dirt bag??"

He side glances at Mike taking a step In front of him expression unfazed.

The broken coil shoots back into the foggy darkness and the creature makes a loud screeching sound of outrage.

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now