Ch.3 pg 8

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Michael looks up at his father, intense fear for the older man written all over his face. He tried to speak but obviously couldnt with glitchtraps control. 

Will just looks back at his son, his expression a mix of sadness and fear. He tried to smile weakly before looking back at the overgrown hare. His expression had a bit of fear in it mixed with sadness and anger. 

"that was short-" he growled

"Ah well, what can I say. I'm excited!" glitch giggled a little.

Mike was extremely distressed, he pulled his fathers arm down and shook his head pleading with him silently not to go. He wasnt sure what glitchtrap was going to do to him and didnt want to find out. Sure william was an asshole- that much was pretty clear. However, will was also his dad... a shitty one.. an abusive one... and insane.. yet michael couldnt help but still care for him. The young man knew what will deserved, and guessed once his father died hell would not be pleasant to him. The older afton seemed to be trying to do better though- and had saved michael several times in the past few days. 

Michael owed him... and more then that- he cared about him. 

William looks more and more saddened by this pulling, giving a slight look of helplessness to his son. He didn't and couldn't do anything else. . . thats what he told himself anyways. He wanted to protect mike- he wanted to be a little better. Will was starting to accept that maybe he cared a little... just a microscopic amount about his oldest. 

"look it's- it's ok it's fine . Don't worry about me. I know you are dead and all but-" he sighs and rubs his face.

"... it"ll be ok" he tried to keep his voice calm to try calm mike down a little even of he didn't really want to give in himself. William was a bit nervous of the fur suit himself but wouldn't disclose that information to anybody. 

Will in attempt to comfort the young man ruffles Michaels hair lightly, reminiscent of when mike was a small child. 

Michael doesn't let go, still shaking his head furiously. He was looking at Will with a gaze full of fear and pleading. Maybe they could fight glitch together if will just-

Glitchtrap sighs aggravated, interrupting the young Aftons thoughts.

"oh shut up Michael" his eyes glow and he snaps his fingers. 

At first nothing happened, Mike was still holding on tightly to his sleeve. Eventually, he slowly dropped Williams sleeve and sunk back into the couch. Mikes gaze became glassy and dull- not registering anything else around him.

Wills gaze flares a bit at this, putting his hand on mikes shoulder protectively. 

"don't fucking tell him to shut up-" william snarled.

Glitch shrugs "oh well... I just did!" he laughed again.

Will bites his lip trying to calm his nerves and feelings but couldn't, silently staring at his son. The man's breathing was becoming increasingly more noticeably uneven.

"Come on now William!" the rabbit skips to what had been michaels bedroom, humming happily.

"just leave him alone -" William mumbles.

He follows sluggishly behind, looking at mike most of the way there with worry. He felt a pang of sadness they would never fully rekindle their father son relationship now that his body would be taken over. Will was a bit taken back that he would even think such a thought. he scoffed to himself. 

rekindle? you killed kids and hurt him badly- why the hell would he ever want to have any relations with you. william sighed sadly at the thought and rubbed his face again, walking into michaels room. 

Mikes room had been completely turned into something else. The medicine bags were hung up on the wall, taped to it while needles and tools were on the small table next to the bed. 

It was dark with the curtains pulled over the windows which just made everything more eerie.

"What the fu-" Williams voice becomes unusually higher in pitch taking a step back.

"Now now, you agreed! And if you decide to back off, well... " he looked at William chuckling."at the moment I still have control over Michael" glitch tilted his head at william. 

Will glared at him but looked away. he closed the door and went over cautiously.

"what- what are you going to do?" His voice had more then a hint of fear in it now, which was highly unusual for him of all people. 

"You didn't really think I got the medicine just for that broken boy, did you?" the rabbit laughed as william shot him a death glare. 

"Come find out! Sit down, get comfortable, it'll be easier if you do"

Will was hesitant once again, but moves over to the bed wearily. He had never felt so afraid for himself before. 

Glitch tilted his head curiously "are you afraid, Afton?" his eyes slightly glittered at the question.

The older afton breathes in deeply before responding

"maybe... maybe not-" his tone was rough and had an undertone of growling.

Glitchtrap gasps happily in mock surprise, causing will to jump back a bit.

 "oh you are!! How fun!! The great, legendary child murderer is scared of his own suit!" the rabbit starts laughing hysterically.

William had the sudden realisation sink in that he was very unlikely to get out of this, feeling even more sick than before at the laughing 

"Kindly fuck off or get a zipper on that trap of yours " he snapped at him. He says this angrily, but  holding a lot less of the emotion in it than his usual tone, the fear drowning it out.

The suit chuckles as he calms down a little "eager to get started then? So am I!"

He walks past William, locking the door to michaels bedroom.

William watched as glitchtrap did this, the already present sinking feeling growing larger by the second.

"Just in case Michael decides to interrupt, though I doubt he'll be an issue" he chuckles to himself as he walked back over to the side of the bed.

"r-right" will stammered, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

The rabbit clasped his hands together as he stood by the bedside. 

"now then! Lay down" he says cheerfully.

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now