Ch.1 Page 11

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~~~~time skip Bc I'm bad at that stuff lol~~~~

Mike climbed into Williams car, and then directed him to where the house he had bought was. It actually wasn't too far from his childhood home, though that wasn't intentional in the slightest. He had wanted to get as far away from that place as possible. There were so many bad memories in the house... unfortunately- this was the cheapest place Mike could find.

Once they got to Michaels  house, mike went straight to his room and washed off the blood and grime, changing into a white t shirt and dark blue jeans. On his way out of the room, he grabbed a needle and some thin thread to stitch himself back up.

William looked around while Mike changed, picking up anatomies objects and just looking about at where his son lived. He wasnt really paying too much attention to where mike was at first . He mumbled to himself : what the hell-" and continued to look around before awkwardly standing there, hands behind his back.

Michael comes out of the room and looks at his father, standing there seemingly soldierlike. He attempts a smile and raises an eyebrow at Will.

"at ease sargeant" he teases, trying to ease some of the tension in the room.

William looks dazed for a second then looks over at him grinning a bit . 

"Ok rookie - just a little shocked at the place you be living" he looks around again briefly.

Mike turns on the kitchen light and pulls a chair out, sitting down in it. 

"and whys that?" He curiously asks William.

" well presumed you lived somewhere a little..."he trails his fingers on a cabinet, his hands being covered in dust 

"- nicer ?" He had a questioning tone in his voice, as if he wasn't quite sure he used the right word.

The young man shrugs.

"its what you can get on an abandoned pizza places mechanics salary" mike pulls up his shirt and starts undoing the cruely done bandages around his stomach.

"Ah haha...right right... still this place is pretty shitty-" will looks over at him for a moment.

michael shrugs again, looking over at his father. 

"ah well, its all i got. Wasnt gonna stay at um..home-"referring to his childhood home

 "...too many bad memories in that place" he murmured.

he turns his attention back to his chest and finishes undoing the bandages.

"Oh... yeah- the place is too-ummmmm..." he trails off, thinking of a word to use.

"Well sentimental." He says this sort of quickly.

"Should of got a better place than this though "

Michael nods at this, looking a tad uncomfortable.

"yeah... i get it. And maybe- I just looked for the cheapest place. It is what it is."

"Doesnt really matter now that im dead though,i guess" he muttered.

"Ah-" will seems a little awkward by this, possibly even a little guilty but he just shrugs.

michael sighed and put the ruined bandages aside. He looks at the wound. Its dark, purpleish, some blood still here and there, just all in all nasty looking. The boy sighs again and takes out the remaining string in his body. 

William would wince at this, trying to look away but attempting not to make it painstakingly obvious.

Mike picks up the needle and string and stares at it for a second before carefully starting to stitch up the wound again. he winces as the needle goes into his skin.

Will stayed silent, looking over a few times with a fairly calm expression that masked his own more uncomfortable and ever so slightly saddened one. Instead of letting out the emotion, he let that sadness sit at the back of his mind and decided not to dwell on it as much as he probably should've.

"Hey um... get the painkillers in the bathroom for me?"michael suddenly asks, breaking the silent tension.

"..? Oh- right sure - hold on give us a sec " he walked over to where the bathroom was at a sluggish pace. He went to the cabinet in the bathroom and rummaged around for a bit seeming to be dragging out going to get them for some reason . He finally grabs them and comes back out to the kitchen.

"Thanks-" mike mutters loud enough for william to hear.

"Uhhh right-" William puts them down on the table beside his son

 "no problem-" he mumbled.

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now