Ch.2 Page 14

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William came back over to the car, opening the drivers side.

"Uh.. i'm back" he said awkwardly looking over at his son.

"Welcome back" Michael smiled at will. 

"Sorry didn't plan a welcome party for ya or anything" he chuckles

will just rolls his eyes and then swung himself into the car seat. Michael sighed as he did. 

" not my best humor I suppose"

"...Eehhhhh i dunno , my humor isn't the best " 

he leaned back a bit, putting his arm behind to drop the medication into the box sitting on the seats.

" I don't really talk to people or watch comedy shows so my sense of humour is a bit or its just terrible in the first place " william shrugged, just trying to avoid an awkward silence. Unlike his son, he wasn't great at conversations. He was good at manipulating people and great at getting what he wanted... just not at keeping a normal, casual conversation. 

Michael laughed. 

"Probably a mix of both. You're humors awful anyways, rarely laugh at any of my attempts."

William rolled his eyes again.

" That's because you just suck at it." 

As will leaned over mike saw the scratches on his side again. They were in the shadows, so they didn't look as bad as they really were. Michael still worried about his dad though.

 "I may regret asking...but you sure you're
alright? It's fine if you're not, I mean hell, just look at me"

Williams face turns a tiny bit irritated for a moment before softening it. He really didn't have the energy right now to argue... and i mean- Mike was just asking if he was okay...  Still didn't mean he needed nor wanted help though.

"I'm better than you are right now -"
Will actively avoids answering the question. As much as he tried to seem ok , he really wasnt as good as he made it out to be. his mental state actually bothered him much more than his physical . For once, he felt guilty for his actions, mainly for leaving mike alone but he did start to dwell on other things. Thinking about these things was making him feel an urge to run away from it all, yet sat in the chair, trying to keep himself fairy calm. He showed no emotion on the outside, even though his mind was in turmoil. It dawned on him for a split second that maybe , just maybe, he deserved losing all the people he had... yet it was cut of by a shot of pain in his side. He didn't even flinch at this though he quietly sat for a moment. It disappeared a little while later and his thoughts took over again, though it still stung like hell.He wanted to say sorry again , he wanted to explain he felt bad for his actions as whole even if it was only for the time being... but he simply couldn't. Normally he felt no remorse for anything he had done, not even a pinch, and now it was all come crumbling down. A child murderer, a man who had killed others in cold blood , then happily stuffed them into suits like it was nothing , felt something more than just brief sadness. 

He hated it . 

" I'm perfectly fine-" he says finally . God, his throat killed him whenever he spoke. He
could feel the very flesh of it healing ripping open again , blood covering the top of his shirt,
though it wasnt really visible due to the shirt being a darkish purple tone. His vision would go a little darkened around the edges for a moment . He honestly couldn't care less. Although he felt guilty, the main thing worrying him right now was mike. He looked as if he should be in agony and probably was. William was surprised he hadn't cried ,yet he looked like he had some time earlier. Probably with Ennard. Right now all he cared about was reducing the pain his son was in or at least helping to fix some of the damage. William had always seen his son as an inconvenience, and never seemed to care about him. Over the last day or so that had changed. It took him a little while but he had learnt that he did care, even if only slightly. he often isolated himself from mikes life so whenever he was mean to the boy he could just leave him and act like nothing happened. Now reality had sunk in a little that sometime, he would have to deal with it. the guilt seemed to hit him harder than he would of expected. He wanted to do anything possible to help, but the issue was he wasn't very good with people. Of course he knew how to manipulate , take advantage of and lie stupid to them. when it came to being even the slightest bit truthful though, he never knew what to say. Fact of the matter is that Michael was in pain . A lot actually, that sort of knocked his father of his feet mentally. William finally sighed again , wishing that he had never agreed to get into this so he wouldn't have to see or deal with the consequences while turning the car back on.

Michael looked at him for a second more, a little concerned. "well.. if you say so..."

he looked at his feet sighing

"- yeah, you're what's important right now-" he says suddenly, a little shocked as if he didn't mean to say it aloud.

"- lets just get you back to your place-" he grumbled afterwords trying to cover up what he said.

"ah-oh-"mike laughs a small bit, not used to his father caring about him and not really sure how to react.

Will smiles mildly and would start to drive back to mikes place.

a thought occurs to michael as william starts to drive.

"hey um earlier when you said theres another way i could be here...whatd you mean by that?" he looks at his father curiously

William still kept his focus on the road ahead while he responds.

"oh uhh- "He falls silent, not answering his son.

Michael stares at him for a second, willing him to speak.

Will clears his throat it goes a little raspy for a moment after.

" well- it ... it doesn't matter . It's uhhh hmm"

he was trying to think of an explanation to lose suspicions, but he wasn't exactly in the best state of mind to think of anything right now.

" it's nothing . "

"well it outta be something. id like to figure out how im still here as much as the next guy" mike smiled slightly. i mean i shouldnt even still be here." he sighs as he says the last sentence 

"yet here i am..."

"I can't tell you why-" he snapped a little more bitter and quite than before.

Usually michael would argue untill he got an answer, annoying his father and as a child sometimes getting beat for it.  As it was, today he didn't really have the strength nor motivation to so he just shrugged it off.  He sighed and turned his attention to his jacket, picking at the buttons and scraping blood off.

Will seemed a little relieved that Michael didn't pressure into telling him, though it was still concerning to him that he didn't.

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now