Ch.1 Page 12

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William fell silent for a moment, still standing a little awkward then would out of the blue speak 

"Hey um.."

"..yeah?" Mike questioned looking up from stitching Himself up.

" ...was a fucking accident -" will said it fairly quiet, as if he didn't quite believe he was saying it aloud or even thinking of saying it to mike at all. His eyes were blank and icy cold seemingly holding little emotion in them.

michael was a little taken back at this

 "oh um- its whatever- " he kind of brushed it off, looking back down at his chest.

"Uhh yeah... right" william falls silent once again.

Theres a little bit of silence before anyone talks again, the only sound was mikes stitching

"Oh uh- you can turn on tv or- ya know whatever-. You dont have to just stand there" michael says, breaking the silence again and looking up. He looks back down after motioning to the remote, continuing stitching himself up, Almost done with the process. After a few seconds he finishes and looks back awkwardly at his father 

"Uh,hey.. thanks for ya know, not leaving me with that thing back there-"

"Ah - itz no problem- " william said it a lot calmer than he usually would, which even he seemed a little surprised by. He smiled mildly over at the boy before grabbing the remote.

Michael returns the gesture with a small smile, popping a few painkillers into his mouth. He pulls his shirt back down, after he swallowed, sighing as he does so.

looking over at mike, Will  sits down on a neighbouring chair in the kitchen, a little fidgeting with the remote.

" any better?" He looked over slightly at Michael, a little uncomfortable with the question.

"Ah- i - um- guess a little...still hurts a good bit. Which i guess when youve thrown up an animitronic is to be expected. the painkillers will start working soon probably." he fidgets with the corner of his shirt, rubbing it. The answer was directed at his father but he was looking away.

"Um- it threw you around quite a bit too- you... you alright..?" he looked up when he asked this.

"Oh-Uh, dealt with a lot worst before , ima ok , breathing isn't great and my chest is a little sore but uh fuck ,i mean you've had all ur fucking insides torn out so yeah ima fine." William got up, moving into a chair in the living room, turning the tv on. He set the sound fairly low and flicked through the channels.

 " guessing it would hurt like hell , still don't understand how it's possible for you too still feel pain which is kinda crap but-"

Mike sighed

" yeah been wonderin that myself-" He leaned back in the chair a little.

"If im gonna be undead not feeling anything would be a plus, but I guess lifes a bitch so" he shrugged.

"But I'm here and i can feel everything"

" yeah , you shouldn't- fascinates me you can but at the same time that's pretty odd to think about seen as it's major fucking likely your nervous system isn't intact. But as you said, life's a bitch -"

"Yep. This family just cant catch a break huh"

"Yeah ha- guess we all aren't gonna escape the hell hole of the life we live in too easy -" he leans on his arm on the side of the chair.

 " hey -you know that Ennard thing? Wonder what some of the crap it was saying meant-"

"I- yeah i was just going to ask about it, actually-" michaels look of suprise turned into curiousity

" you know for a bunch of 9 year olds them animatronics are so fucking smart , idk how the fuck that Ennard thing is alive seen as well as being merged, it's also got its own voice and soul ? Not sure how the fuck that's even possible but... oh well I guess. Said some weird stuff and can do some bloody hella damage. All the animatronics have ways to be distracted or something, either programmed into em or other. though this has neither- " he rubs how chin for a second leaning back in the chair as a show quietly plays. He's  seemingly half talking to himself again.

"It goes against everything and frankly so do you- it makes 0 sense and it's fucking weird "

William shrugs, still thinking. Meanwhile, Michael was trying to process all this information.

"Those were the- the kids?? Kids did- "he gestured to himself

" this??"

Will looks at mike like he's an idiot.

"Well duh, I don't kill adults - too loud and smart , kids are pretty gullible if you smile and pretend to be super positive and act like you care. hell of a lot easier to kill ya know-"

Michael winces a little at this, being reminded of how his father used to treat him

"So yeah they are kids , for the most part i think - all possessed... wait- didnt ya know that already?"

"I- I mean- idk- i thought the original freddys group was possesed-i guess i had my suspicions. I just- " mike sighed

" why would they kill me if they're kids?"

"They are mad that's why, i think anyhow. Pretty sure these kids need some sort of fucking revenge or whatever which i dunno if I fully believe " he puts his arm back on the arm of the chair.

"Pretty sure they are after my skin so idk why the fuck they attack other people "

michael scratched the back of his head 

"i do look a little like you in some ways i guess.."

"Wow THATS such a surprise, not like yer my son or anything - " Willam says flatly.

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now