Ch.2 Pg 21

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William watched him leave completely, still highly uneasy about this. he ended up letting out a sigh and dragging a hand off his face. Maybe he hadn't been as obvious about caring for his son as he thought. He hated to think that he might of been too obvious but the same goes for not being obvious enough. the former child murderer sat down, his side hurting a little as he did so. once he was all settled and such, he pulled out the wire and sheet about remnant. Maybe he could sneak out a little later when Mike was asleep and try make a quick test mixture to see if it could at least get rid of the pain for his eldest. It could possibly make up for the argument, as much as he didn't like sucking up to people or seeming needy or too anxious. This was is son so... and it was helping him.. William sighed and leans back, fiddling with the wire.

The older man waited 5 to 10 minutes before standing up again peering down the hall to mikes room. Mike can't really get up well, as long as he's quiet he could potentially sneak out now. Will takes a moment before deciding that he would. Just so it seemed like he was still inside and to mask some of the nois, he turns the tv on to a semi low volume. After this, he slowly opened the front door and snuck his way out. He decided not to use the car as much as he needed to or wanted seen as it made a lot of noise, he decided against it. he began walking his way to his own house, michaels childhood home, that wasn't too far anyways. Michael had wanted to get as far away from the place as possible... but this was what he could afford and have it close to work. 

It takes William about 15 mins before he gets to the house. He had sort of forgotten that he was even hurt per previous, though he felt it a little more now. Especially considering he refused meds so mike wouldn't get to suspicious...more accurately so his son wouldn't worry. Walking inside, the older afton passes the kitchen, stopped for a moment and grabbed some slightly stale bread, then proceeded to throw it into the toaster. he grabbed it out when it was done. Will had forgotten that he hadn't ate anything. After a moment Will makes his way upstairs into his bedroom, unlocking the wardrobe like cabinet and pulling out the viles and other stuff to use.

They where all labeled in little rows, and he placed them down after taking them out of the cabinet. The one furthest to his right was a lot more dull and in a obviously less quality than the rest. Pulling out a chair nearby, he sat down ready to get to work, opening a drawer and taking a clean vile out in case he needed to fix any of it... as weird as that seemed. His desk looked as if it was some sort of lab. He pulls out a few sheets and notes looking through at all his research about the different components of the remnant and that it seemed to be made off. His concept of time lost as he dove into his work. Grabbing a lighter he pulled out the 3rd vile of 6 , lifting it to the light and shaking it a bit , pulling off the top. It let out faint pinkish tinted fumes. He flicked on the lighter under it, letting it heat up for a moment. The liquid got a little brighter but the smoke turned a soot colour with little specks of pink dust likr substance. He holds it over the desk, the dust landing on it . Pulling the lighter away he placed the vile back down. As the liquid that was previously pink toned, cooled it turned a vibrant red tone.

Will began steadily working his way through doing different things to multiple viles , heating, mixing , shaking, adding it to the first vile. He continues to look at his sheets mumbling stuff to himself as he did so, looking unsure at times and pleased at others though he still got jolts of pain ever so often that distracted and irritated him. After this happened a few times he decided to get up carefully from his desk seen as a lot of the viles had the tops off. Will made his way to the bathroom, opening the medicine cabinet and rummaging for some pain killers. He didn't really look properly but took a jar that looked as if it would be out, taking about 2 pills. Usually hr had a habbit of peeling of labled so even if he did look on it , there might not be much for reference. Once he did, he walks back to the room, sitting down. He had a few things left to get through. Two actually. He had no idea if this would work or not but he hoped it would. The pain didn't ease as he continued, however he felt an urge to sleep, which he rarely got due to his issue with being absorbed into his work, guessing he picked up his sleeping pills rather than pain killers, irritated at this stupid move. Nevertheless he got through the tasks he needed, trying to stay awake but yawning ever so often.

He eventually can't really resist the urge to sleep as he nears the end of his work . Closing over most of them but ends up dosing off halfway through. Lucky he fell asleep so he didn't tip any over, even though the last to the far right neared the edge to where an old rabbit suit layed, covered in dust.

When william was sneaking out and working with stuff, michael was having his own issues. Mike sighed as he clumsily sat on his bed after getting to his room and closing the door. The young man proceeded to look at himself in the mirror that was in his room attached to a closet. He hasn't seen himself since he left the house earlier that morning. He looked awful, even with his hand cleaned up and bandaged. His leg was in pretty bad shape, the jeans ripped a little and his foot wasn't looking to hot. there were sections of the leg that were obviously twisted and in an awkward position, pointing towards being broken. there were indents from ennards wires in his skin from how hard the robot had pushed against him. michael had to force himself to look away from the mess that was his leg. he decided to focus on something else, his gaze landing on his torso.

He sighed seeing the blood stains all over his once white t-shirt. Mike stared at himself for a little while, eventually deciding to take his shirt off, painfully doing so as he was by himself and had no help at all. Once he did he refused to look at himself in the mirror again, simply limping over to the closet and opening it. The young man settled on picking out a purple t shirt that faded into a darker purple tone. He tugged it on, wincing again as he did so.

Mike sighs again, sitting on his bed and propping his bad leg up on the other one wincing as he started to pull back the pant leg. His physical health wasn't great, and at the moment nor was his mental. He was still a little shocked his father cared about him, and even more so that he actually told him. He would never admit it, but it scared him a little how unempathetic and cold he was talking about killing those kids. William had just brushed it off and acted like it wasn't that big a deal... though mike assumed his father was a psychopath so it kinda made sense.

The wound on his leg wasn't as bad as the one on his hand, but it definitely wasn't good. It was bloody and there was certainly at least one or two broken bones He took the white t shirt he had just taken off and used it to wipe off some of the blood off onto it. He breathed out as he mindlessly wiped off the red fluid, his mind still on his father. William said he cared about him, and then acted surprised when mike had told William he never acted like he did. Michael never remembered his father ever supporting him as a kid. In fact it seemed like the exact opposite all the time. 

He shifted his thoughts back to the kids his father had killed in cold blood. How could william not care? Didn't he relate the child to his own, didnt it send flashbacks to Elizabeth or Chris? He was snapped back out of his spiraling thoughts by pain on his leg. He grimaced and shrugged, deciding to just tie the ruined t shirt around the wound. 

He laid on his back on the bed, thinking about all this and more. His thoughts eventually strayed to how he was alive, wondering what William was thinking earlier when mike had brought up the subject. He soon fell asleep to these thoughts, and the low muffled sound of the tv outside the room.

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now