CHAPTER 2 page 1

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~~~~ it's morning now yes~~~~

 William slowly woke up yawning slightly confused by where he was at first but quickly realised where. He got up yawning again, looking very tired. As he did so he noticed a little clock that sat over on a small table somewhere.

"9:32 -.... am? I think - " he says to himself

"well time to get mike up I guess... "

William sleepily walks over to Michaels room, still not fully awake yet. He opened the door, it creaking as he did so.

"hey - Michael..?"he said it semi loud.

" i think you should like, get up now cos it's half 9 and as much as it's probably- *yawns * ..good for you You to sleep, you got to get up and shit"

Michael groaned ignoring william.

Will blinks for a moment at this. 

"mike i swear to god you aren't Like 12 , but i will drag you out of bed if ya don't get up. And we both know that's gonna be embarrassing on both our parts"

The young man sighed, slowly sitting up careful not to pull anything. 

"fine... fine.." He muttered 

"Good - " william half yawns in between talking.

"sleeping is good but you cannot go around sleeping all day or youre gonna fucking become a bed by the end of it ." Will stops processing what he just said. 

He shook his head

"i need to wake up. Not sure what the fuck ima saying-"

Michael smiles and laughs a little at his father seemingly acting how a mom would.

"Alright alright, mother" he chuckles at the insult

"Haha very funny.."for once he takes the joke and doesn't take it too seriously. It's probably because he's half asleep but it makes Michaels day.

William rolls his eyes.

"Your humour is worst than my taste in fucking music i swear"

Mike smiles wider.

"Nah i dont think anyone can beat that"

Will laughs a little.

"Wow, thanks. Pretty sure your humor is a lot  worse though "

"Ah whatever" mike shakes his head standing up Off the bed

"Hm..." William Goes to leave mikes doorway but stops thinking of something.

"uh question "

"...? what is it?"

"Do you still eat? Bit of a stupid question I guess... " He shrugged looking away, slightly uncomfortable with asking. He had made breakfast for his kids when they were all very very young, but he'd stopped doing it after his wife had died. And if he ever had done something nice for his kids afterwords, Michael was excluded.

Michael stopped stretching.

"um- i dont - i dont really need to- I guess i could- idk where it would go though..."he shifted on his feet, uncomfortable with the question.

"Ah - i mean uh - i was just asking . you don't have to "

There was a couple minutes of awkward silence before William spoke again.

"Uh... anyway ima gonna go wake up a bit and stuff-you can change your clothes if Ya want... seen as you where so tierd you just slept in em last night who can bloody blame you"

"Alright- and yeah- had a day"

"Yeah - you did " he rubbed is face in "an attempt to wake up properly .

"i'll just be washing my face in the bathroom or some shit.. " he left the doorway to mikes room and headed off to the bathroom further down the hallway.

Michael stretched a little more, wincing when he went too far. He walked over to the closet and pulled out a worn jean jacket, putting it on over the t shirt. He didn't bother to change out of the clothes he slept in. He hadn't worn them anywhere anyways. Besides, he doubted anybody where he was heading would care what clothes he wore.

Meanwhile, william just washed his face with his hands, bits of water getting on the edges of his already messy hair and flattening it out a little more. he angrily but quietly cursed to himself, trying to fix his messy hair. William ends up giving up, sighing and walking in the Kitchen. He looked a bit moody, but was he ever not moody?

Michael walks out if the room just as william gets into the kitchen. 

"You ready?" He asked his father, looking slightly amused at his disgruntled expression.

"Yeah I guess....i can fix my hair later- " William grumbles

Michael just shook his head, smiling.

"yes im sure the animatronic is going to care about your hair"

William glares at him for a second, his previous lightheartedness gone and replaced by his usual moody self.

"Whatever "

Mike shrugged.

"Just tellin ya the truth."

He walked over to the counter and picked up Williams keys that lay there.

"You wanna drive or do you want me to" He smirks at william

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now