Ch.1 Page 9

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"SHIT!-" Mike jumps out of the way, cursing at the thing.

"What the hell- second deaths??? He hasn't even died once and i don't think I can even die now"

Will simple moves out of the way quickly dodging the vent cover. Ennard just laughs to itself as it  pulling itself into the vent. The noise of laugher and metal slowly became more distant till it couldn't be heard at all.

"The fuck- "Michael murmured and then shakes his head

He sighed after a few moments. He turned around and started walking out of the building, grimaces as he walked. The adrenaline has completley worn off by now. 

"Hm..." after a moment Will looks at where Ennard had been before walking a little quickly to catch up with his son. They walk in awkward silence for a  couple minutes before William speaks again.

" you feelin...?"

Mike was a little taken back from his fathers question at first but just sighs and shakes his head.

"Well-" he winces as he talks

 "i just had wires ripped off of my bones, threw up an animatronic, and then ran around dodging the same robots attacks. Also the front of my uniform is soaked in blood. Pretty sure that's not covered in the insurance"

"... right- didn't ask for you to be rude but whatever " William completley disregards the small joke his son had made.

"I- " he sighed and ran his hand across the wall while he walked. The pain wasn't as bad as it had been at first but it was still present.

William glances at him.

 " -argh- course you're not ok , have to be an idiot not to see that- what ima TRYING to ask is- " he swallowed as if he was about to say something awful.

"do you"

Michael seems shocked at the question, never remember hearing it before now.

"Uh-i-" he hesitated

William stays silent for a while as if waiting to see how he reacted, an uneasy feeling seeming to swallow him. 


Mike sighed again. He knew it might be awkward if he said yes. He really didn't need much help at the moment anyhow. 

"You can just go back to whatever the fuck you was doing if  you don't though"

"its whatever-" He said quickly

"Take that as a no then-" he seemed very uncomfortable for a moment seen as he wasn't use to helping or even really caring about anyone other than himself.

Michael decided to give in, after all- it wasn't everyday William Afton offered to help someone, especially him.

"i- i probably do need help.." he trailed off

"Yeah... uh- i mean you are pretty battered up " Will cleared his throat

 "don't usually like helping people but ehhhhhh - might as well Make an acception,  seen as you're my son and all"

Michael chuckles a little at his fathers statement.

"Wow, So considerate of you" he offers william a weak smile.

"Yeah i know, i am a saint. Never done nothing wrong." he would return the smile with a smug one of his own.

Michael shakes his head at William, still slightly smiling.

They walked a bit more before Will spoke again.

"uh- where exactly are we goin again?"

"Oh uh... Well first- i was going to head up to the control panel room...i thought there were bandages or somethin. If im gonna go outside pretty sure people will notice umm... it"

They walked a few more paces.

"Oh - well why the fuck do you have to go get em? I mean uh- you can stay here a second if you want and i can go get them - " He still felt a little odd helping someone for once in his life.

"Oh-uh-i ... would you..?" Michael was tired, all he wanted was to rest.

"Itd be nice to just sit down for a second but you dont have to if you dont want..." he muttered.

"Uhhhh.... yeah-sure." William shrugged. He actually didn't seem too sure about this, but then again it's William Afton. Actually trying to be an ok person for even a second is like pulling teeth for the child murderer.

"I's better for You to like rest and shit so why not"

Mike sighed in releif as he sunk against the wall.

"they were in a cabinet somewhere i think- i dont think its far from here"

William rolled his eyes. 

"Wow thanks for telling me, it's not like I designed the places or anything" he glanced at Mike for a second and then headEd down the hallway to where the office control room was.

After a few moments of walking, he came across the room. It took him a Minute or two to shuffle through the drawers and cabinets but manages to find some bandages near the back. He headed back to Michael once he grabbed them. 

"Got the bloody bandages..."

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now