Ch.2 Pg 19

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Michael looked at the wipes william had used. the older man had discarded them a little away, as they were no use caked in blood. they were covered in the red bodily fluid- soaked into the wet wipe and seeping through the material. 

"...Didn't know I had that much blood still in me" the young man gives his father a small pained smile, trying to lighten the awkward silence that had been lingering.

william sighed and looked away, trying to smile back to his twenty year old son. it was small and he was sadly doing it half to himself 

"...well, at least it's off for now "

"Yeah-" mike looked at his hand again, which was still a little red and looked horrible; but his normal skin color showed through some of the awful looking mess. 

After several minutes of more silence, michael studying his hand, and william watching mike worriedly, the older afton clears his throat and shifts moving his attention to the bandages.

 "uh....want the bandages on now or... um anywhere else you wanna clean off..?"

Mike looked down at his feet. "Um- bandage my hand first...and um...I haven't checked on how bad my leg was" he shifted a little bit in the chair still looking away 

"My chest probably isn't that great either; since we didn't clean that off at the pizzaria- but we can do that later"

"Ah- ok " will pulls out the bandage, snapping it off to a decent length. He seemed pretty focused the time being , mainly because he didn't really like to see his oldest in the awful condition he was in now. Will was attempting to distract himself a little with the concentration of bandaging michael up. Its what william always did when he was having feelings, try to ignore them and distract himself from them.

Michael watched his father, his eyes eventually lingering to the scratches on his fathers side. "hey uh.... dad, Those look pretty nasty" he glanced back up at william a bit concerned.

" I already told you they are fine -" will would slowly start wrapping the bandage around his sons hand.  "they really aren't that bad-" Ironically enough his voice went raspy again at that exact moment, which did not in any way help convince michael. 

Mike winced again as the older man started to wrap the bandages around his wounded hand. He looked back at Will after a second and raised an eye brow "Really dad?" He shakes his head. "guessin The cut on your throat probably doesn't help either...huh"

William started to tie off the bandage very carefully as to not pull on the skin anymore then needed. " look, it's not that fucking bad. my sides just hurt a little like when you have stitches" this was of course a lie, but he didn't want mike worrying about him rather than himself. Michael had a lot going on without him to worry about. Usually he wouldnt care about trivial stuff like this... wouldnt even consider his son caring at all. However, he was starting to see that letting stuff go that was hurting someone wasn't in the boys nature. it aggravated him.

Michael was silent for a second, just watching william tie it off. he stared as his father did so, his gaze not wandering but rather starting into nothing, a little annoyed. 

Will looks over confused at him while finishing to tie it, raising an eyebrow questioningly at him. which, in response, michael promptly ignored.

Mike got a sense William wasn't telling the full truth, but he really didn't want to start an argument right now. He was exhausted and in a lot more pain then he would like to admit. He sighed at this then looked away at the floor.


" it's nothing . Don't worry about it " will yawns a little.

 "what do you reccon next..? if you wanna do anymore"

"Oh-uh.." michael looks over at the window and sees it's getting dark now. He was a bit suprised at this actually.

"Didn't realise it'd been that long-"

William simply shrugged off the statement " eh...doesn't really matter how long it's been - long as you're fixed up enough... -" he trailed off, blinking. he was seemingly suprised he actually said that, and for a second, so was michael. mike quickley shook it off, trying not to show it affected him.

The young man rubs the back of his neck with his good hand still not looking directly at will. "Not sure what we could really do. There's always my chest and leg; but in all honesty I think we're both pretty tired" He sighed once more

"I'm always getting into these types of situations it seems like now a days. Animatronics just aren't on my side haha.."

Will looked at him curiously, tilting his head and shrugging his shoulders a bit. 

"Well- that might not be your fault ya know.... you do look fairly similar to me michael" He moves away for a second after this.

"Like you said, bound to happen heh" he smiled wearily

William actually returned it with a small smile of his own.

"After all I am your son"

"Haha , mean guess you are. Not really a surprise you look like me. Wish they would fucking learn who is who though...i uh dont wanna be confused for you ever " he tried to feign disgust at this, attempting to hide he actually cared. never mind he had saved his sons life, that was irrelevant.

"Yeah. Be glad it wasn't you, not a pleasant experience. Should give a bad review..." Michael mused, trying to lighten the awkwardness between them.

At first william seemed a bit confused, though ended up chuckling and smirking as he responded.

"... would give it below 0 stars and I didn't even experience it. Awful service " he played along a little, a little relived himself about the tone of mood being a little light.

"Hell, didn't even get any food....though being honest; at the looks of the place, may have been for the best" michael laughed a little at his comment

"Ugh yeah- I don't even wanna get into what the pizzas are made from- " The older man looked legitimately disgusted as he responded, wrinkling his nose at it.

Meanwhile his son feigned a look of shock, staring wide eyed at him.

 "and this from one of the owners? Won't be returning by my own free will " he says, tilting his chin up a little. He laughs a little too forcefully, and winced a little bit wasn't enough for most people to notice and he ignored it.

Will would laugh a little too, chuckling at his sons awful sense of humor. He noticed the wincing... but brushed it aside. michael was going to be fine. 

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now