Ch.3 Pg 4

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Michael was talking to the rabbit suit and didn't sense his fathers uneasiness at all. 

Will looks over at mike and that ... thing... talking, a little jealous but more or less worried . He walks over to them, closing the small distance that had formed.

Mike was smiling when will came over and laughing slightly.

"What you so happy about..?" He asks shifting, expression looking somehow more moody than usual. Will in all honesty was jelous of the attention this thing was getting... it was a damn SUIT. Not even a person...

Michael looked at William giggling. "its just hilarious how you used to sound like... like THIS" he laughed again making william glance away.

glitchtrap looked at william with the most unsettling of stares, lingering there for a bit while the two aftons talked. 

william shifted uncomfortably under the rabbits blank purple eyes. why was that thing looking at him...?

"argh... it was my job michael and we didnt have the bloody robots yet so..." he didnt look at any of the other two figures. 

Mike shrugged and chuckled again. "ah well those animatronics kind of suck anyways ay?" he smiled at will. A smile unlike his own in a strange way. will just attributed this to his nerves or paranoia.

glitch snapped back to mike. "and whys that mikey!" 

william glared at the rabbit wanting to growl at it. Nobody called his son mikey... sure some people called him... Mike for some reason. But Mikey was a nickname preserved for william to use only...and he hadn't used it in years.

michael looked over at the suit. "oh uh- my leg haha.... some of the robots went rouge and um- attacked me" his smile stayed plastered on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck, leaning on the crutch.

the rabbit tilts its head "oh how awful! Is there anything i can do to help?" The tone was almost babying it was so sweet. 

William cringes a little at this seen as he could still hear his voice slightly in it. He really didn't understand how mike could trust it when they had been talking the night before about them both hating lovey sickly sweetness. This raised williams suspicions and worry a good amount. He already hated this thing and unknowingly was picking out every possible circumstance to hate it.

michael doesnt seem to notice the tone in the rabbits voice, or his fathers discomfort. he shrugs "well, the crutch helps alot, so thanks. honestly im not sure what else you could do." he sighs his gaze lingering to his hand.

glitch shakes his head "such a shame, really." he watches mike looking at the bandaged hand.

"was that also an animatronic incident..? the same one i presume."

William suddenly remembered the small vile he had made up this morning. He could go and suggest to give it too him, though he was not sure if he would take it due to what it was made of . Some part of him felt like maybe if he tried to win mike over a bit he could convince him to get rid of this thing as sly as it was. Obviously William was jelous and wanted his sons attention again, no matter he had abused mike as a teenager or neglected him emotionally. 

mike nods and sighed, nodding his head.

"yeah, for some reason seemed to come after me."

The rabbit said the next statement in mock surprise "i cant imagine why! you seem like a perfectly nice young man to me"

William shifts on his feet again, running a hand through his hair. He wasn't sure when to enter the conversation still a little uncomfortable by the large bunnys watching presence; as well as his sons sudden shift in mood.

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now