Ch.2 Page 2

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William blinks for a second, processing this before scoffing.

"well you're the fucking cripple, not me. so you figure it out-"

Michael rolled his eyes before smirking again.

"Guessing that means you want me to drive then ay?"

Will looks at mike distastefully for a second. His expression soon turns into a smile as he replies.

"...sure "He grinned at his son.

The young man frowns slightly at his response. Then he shrugged 

"alright, if we crash into a tree just hope being undead runs in the family" He smiled again.

"Well cmon then!" He gestured to Will, who was standing there dumbfounded with his sons response.

he walked out the door tossing the keys up and catching them. They made a jingling noise as the fell up and back down again.

William stared at the boy as if he was stupid.

"...Right-" He slowly  walks after Mike.

Michael got to the car first and headed over to the drivers side. Meanwhile William stared at mike.

Michael notices and raises an eyebrow at his father quizzically.

William Narrowed his eyes further. 


"Ah cmon, i mightve gotten my organs scooped out but i can still drive... i think-"

"- " Will gave the boy a death glare.

Mike just smiles.

" not sure if you're being sarcastic or being a dumb ass. Pass them.

"Maybe a bit of both, who knows, inherited both from you though"Michael smirked.

"Wow. I'm laughing so much right now." his expression was the most pissed and dead inside expression that he was physically capable of. 

" give me a break-" William snatches them off him.

Mike laughs at the expression, climbing into the passngar seat.

"geez dad, you look more dead then i do!"

Will climbed into the drivers seat and starts up the car.

"...ok I don't really care "

Mike shrugged. 

"Ah well, worth a shot. Just trying to lighten the mood dad" he chuckled.

"lets go fight a murderous robot then yeah? Im sure we'll have alot of fun with that!" he smiles at William.

Will stares at him again before turning his attention back to the car wheel.

" know not everything i do is murdering people or robots or whatever the fuck you think.." he said bitterly.

Michael's smile dissapears

 "i- that's not what i-" he sighs sadly.

He looked out the window as William started driving to his house.

"sorry-" mike mumbles After a few seconds, glancing at Will.

"well don't say stupid shit then - and you won't have to be sorry for anything " Will snapped.

The young man looks out the window, fiddling with his jacket buttons.

The silence continues as William drives, tension growing. He parked in the driveway and got out of the car,Leaning down to Talk to mike.

"I'm gonna stop off at the house for a second and grab some stuff . You can stay in the car or whatever " he said it a little less harsh than before, but still harsh enough to come across as rude.

"Alright... I wont go anywhere"

"...Uhh I'll be back in 5 , maybe -"

Michael nodded, rolling his eyes

 "alright fine." He turned on the radio, listening to whatever song was on. He didnt really care what song it was, just wanted his father to shut up and get the supplies. He wanted to get rid of Ennard as soon as possible. There was no telling if it had already gotten somebody else yet or not. 

William shut the door with an annoyed grumble at his sons  rudeness. if mike was a child he would've gone over and slapped him as hard as possible. Honestly the only reason he didn't now was because he was still slightly waking up.

William glared at Michael and then proceeded to walk over to house, pulling out his keys and opening the door with a loud creak. He walked into the house, leaving the door open. He walked past a few animitronic heads left around the house on the way to the stairs.  He headed upstairs into his room, which since his family had all died and gone had become his workplace. the rooms that had belonged to his children were perfectly preserved. He grabs a few tools off the table and other sort of weapons that seemed useful. He stands for a moment then suddenly clicks his fingers and goes over to a locked mini wardrobe type of thing pulling out a key that was attached to his keyring and unlocking it. Multiple vile type jars sat glowing in front . He simple ignored the glowing substances and grabbed into the back of the cupboard,pulling out an axe. It was slightly rusted and stained with something, either blood or oil. Quickly he glanced around shutting it and locking it again, then proceeded to pick up a dusty cardboard box to carry all the stuff he found. Just as he was about to leave, he noticed a small  first aid kit. he stared at it, hesitant at first. Eventually he comes to a decision and  puts it in the box too. Taking a few more moments to gather up everything, he soon came out with the small box.

He shut the door with his foot and walked out back to the car.

"Got some crap to use...i dunno what is the most useful so i grabbed it all" he said as he came back to the car.

Michael was sitting in the car tapping his finger to the music. when he see his father he turns it back down.

"oh, wow. That's a pretty good amount"

"...Uhh thanks" he opens the door and puts the box down in the back seat for a second.

"...uh i got you- AHEM i mean us a first aid kit in case anyone gets hurts you know-" William says this quietly.

Mike sits silently for a second, the danger of all this starting to sink in.

"o-oh -that was a smart idea-"

William glances away, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Argh sorry I'm just tired -" he said soon after.

"don't usually even sleep to be honesy -"

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now