Ch.1 Page 8

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Michael paled at the animatronics words. His gaze lingered on the broken wrench, immediatley knowing that the robot could make true on its threat.

"B-but, Im- im already dead-"

William was also getting tired of hearing this thing harass his son, he was the only one allowed to do that!!

"Actually, you need to shut the fuck up you-" Ennard speaks over him just as it had with Mike. It whirled it's head around at him.

"A-as FoR y o. U - you a-are a-already broken , strangling you or stabbing you to d-death would kill you ea SILY. though IT s not dea TH that you are A Fra i D of- what lays after is S. O much mmore ExcruTiatIngLy painfuL

It glances back to Mike, turning its head a little towards him.

"e-even s O you Are not R E A l y dead are you? " it breathed a tad, the metal shaking a little as it does.

"Y O u are st i ll WA. L KING - you can still FeEl pain and S U F F E -r" It pauses looking in the middle of the two now.

"A s of the moMen t, I maY no t hur t - e .ither of you Y e T-i j-just W An t to W a t ch you both . Two wh O share blood, e at each other Al i VE"

Michael seemed to snarl at the thing after it spoke.

"Yeah sure whatever asshole, we're not going to do that. So we'll just get out of your wires" he turns around towards his father, still holding his side.

William stares at the robot for a second before shaking his head 

"uh crap...right -"

Mike looks at him, his expression questioning his fathers unsureness.

William turns around a little nervous per say, looking over at Michael. His expression was clouded, but soon returns to his usual blank state when he notices his son looking at him.

"We're not going to do that... right-?" Michael asks his father, a little nervous at his unsureness.

"Oh - course not . Things just trying to mess with us -" He seemed to not really believe himself much but acted as if he did. He hesitantly gave a pat on mikes back, looking a little awkward before putting his hands behind his back.

Michael looked concerningly at William before turning back to the robot. 

He sighed before he spoke.

"im sorry... actually no I'm not, who the fuck are you again?? I know your a bastard spaghetti asshole trying to get us to kill each other but-"

Ennard had been staring over at them both, and it turns its head to look at Mike for a moment. 

"Ennard " it replied, a look of glee on its face.

"...thats incredibly ironic since you were-"

"Exactly" It cackled a little bit at Mikes expression.

After a few moments of silence Michael sighs.

"i need some painkillers..." He muttered

William looks back at the boy.

"Wow. What a surprise, never of guessed that" His statement is dripping with sarcasm.

Michael rolls his eyes at this and turns around back to Ennard.

"Alright- well its been fun noodle arms, but unlss your gonna make a move or something im out of this shit."

"I don't need to make A M O _ve" It snapped

Mike raises an eyebrow at Ennard.

"You'll do it  a l l on you're own" it seemed to smile.

Silence fills the room once more as Ennard sits staring at the two.

 " - go the fuck away now please , you remind me of a fucking- perv" William said distatefully.

"Oh dont put it that way that thing was inside of- god that sounds so fucking awful-"

"PSH- " will just smirks at his son, laughing a little. 

Ennard suddenly pulled off the front of an air vent shaft sitting above them. As it pulled itself into it, it threw  the vent cover in the direction of the two. 

"E-enJo y youR seconD d-dEaths you two" Laughing could be heard echoing through the vents as Ennard got further away.

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now