Ch.3 Pg 10

893 22 13

Glitchtrap shook his head "William you have to let me in." He started walking back over to him "if you don't let me in I can't posses you" his tone was wickedly sweet, with a hint of anger laced into the humanized rabbits voice.

william stands his ground, calm expression that seemed ever so slightly pleased that he managed to irritate Glitch , " So ..? I could just make you run round in circles looking for the memory for a good while simply just to be a pain in the ass. You still would possess me , would just take a hell of a lot longer " will plastered a fake grin on his face.

glitch frowned again

"You'll let me in or i will leave. I made my terms clear"

" I didn't say I wouldn't, just said i wouldn't make it easy " william seems amused he found something to annoy him with.

". . ."

the rabbit turns around

"Right then! I'll be going through all your memories with Michael in them, since that's all I have to go on. Hope you don't mind, even if you do I don't really care :)"

" well you could do that but it could of been a bluff , it could be mike or I could just be pulling a bitchy move to trick you "

wills fear of him seems to fade a little , knowing a weak spot the suit had in his plan.

"Then you won't mind me looking through"

" go ahead " he shrugged

Memories with mike in them popped up all around them

Glitch proceeded to pick one out that matched the picture he had crushed earlier.

william looks over, a bit of his smug tone fading, feeling a small wave of sadness for some reason.

glitch stared at it a second remembering the frame he had destroyed. In it william could be heard laughing, along with Michael and mrs.afton

william smiles faintly, with a warm grin on his face. He hadn't thought about that day in so long... gosh michael was so small..

Glitch trap shook his head sighing "useless" he moved it to the side, swiping as if it was a screen.

William felt strange recalling these memories and seeing them out right in front of them

He picked through a couple more, ones with mike with his siblings, times when he would watch William and will noticed.

These seemed to make him look oddly happy and calm even during the current circumstances tho still saddened that a lot of potential memories that could of been made where not there.

The rabbit would grumble and mutter something along the lines of stupid or useless. Glitch finally pulled out the one when Chris died. The day michael killed his younger brother.

Will immediately has a strong wave of grief. He hated recalling his youngest sons death though even more so that michael had been the cause.

Glitchtrap watched the memory, a smile slowly creeped on his face.

What..?" He seemed a bit distressed realising he may have the right memory.

"Grief, a strong emotion. A very strong one. It can make you do things that in your right mind you would never do" He chuckles

Fear returned to william again , feeling nauseous . He had hoped that this thing wouldn't of found it as quickly as it did.

"There's is a lot of emotion in this memory William. Grief for the death of your son, anger that one killed the other, sadness that it happened this way. And there's a little bit of an excitement in there"

"So complex"

He leans back and forth on his feet nervously " And..?" William silently hoped he would move onto another memory.

"And- I could use this!"

He scoffs, it being clearly fake. william tried to stop himself from fidgeting as he looks over at glitch

"Sure you can" he attempt to throw in some sarcasm but it came out a little flat.

"Unless you have a worse one you'd like to share with me~!"

the older afton genuinely wasn't sure if this was his worst one , seen as the deaths of his children where pretty high up there with some of his worst . He swallows not really sure how to respond to the suits prodding.

"Why the fuck would i tell you..?" In all honesty, william was pretty sure this was the worst seen as it's one of the main reasons him and mike have not got on well for years but he didn't want the overgrown bunny to know.

"Because- I can control your oldest child, with a snap of a finger really. And not only control him, but break him."

He sighed sadly, knowing the rabbit wouldn't hesitate to completely destroy the young man. 

"Mind you, I really don't care one way or the other"

"I don't know- i think it's the worst or at least one of them-" he admitted truthfully still a good amount of hatred in his voice though *

glitch smiled "Wonderful!"

" for you maybe" he was unsure of what would happen next now it had what it wanted or at least the first stage of it *

Glitchtraps smile widened "nows the fun part!!"

" What?- " will looks confused , expecting this process to be over before moving onto possessing.

"Well william, to get the most amount of emotion you have to relive the memory!!"

"And I get to watch!" glitch jumps up and down excitedly

" don't you just have to use the memory?" He seems weary of his excitement , knowing immediately it wasn't good .

"Well yes I am using the memory, though it's really your emotion I'm attaching myself to. You have to be feeling the most of it for me to connect" he clapped his hands excitedly. 

" this is going to be so much fun!!"

" argh - WHAT IS? What the fuck can you do to a memory to make it more emotional ?!" will is highly aggravated, only using it now to hide the overwhelming fear from the rabbit. He knew it was bad news when this thing was overly happy and probably would not be good for him in the slightest.

"Your going to watch your son, kill your youngest child, again!" the rabbits eyes glinted as he smiled widely. 

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now