Ch.3 Pg 9

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It takes william a few moments to process what glitch just said before he actually laid down . He felt like he was trapped in some sort of nightmare with no way out . He wished it was a nightmare, at least then he could wake up from it all. 

"Wonderful! Now, controlling a mind is much simpler then possessing it- Possessing anything is much more difficult, surprised you managed to bind the children's souls to the animatronics! And Michaels to his body! It will however be easier since technically I am you"

the rabbit walks back over to the side of the bed, picking up a needle starting to put it together.

"Thanks for the ego boast " he tried to make the tone seem joking but only really made it for his own comfort.. in a strange sort of way.

"Why are you using needles then if it's...easy?"

He looked at William "I said it'd be easIER then what you did with the children- not easy"

" ok ok , don't get yer tail in a twist -" wills tone still is very fearful , voice cracking a little at times. He was starting to rethink if this was a good idea , though he used the fact mike might be ok as comfort. 

the older afton didn't really have much to make himself feel any less frightened other than himself and that.

glitchtrap finished with the needle and grabbed a little medicine with it from the bag "now I had two options-" he said pulling back wills sleeve

Y-yeah?" He trys to avoid looking at glitchtrap.

glitch grabbed a wipe, hummed, and cleaned off a spot on his arm while replying.

"I could've gotten you drunk, knocked you out, or done this"

" and what exactly is "this" ?"

"It works better if your a little disoriented or tired"

william had an idea of what but hoping it wasn't what he assumed it to be. Unfortunatley he was very rarely wrong about these types of logical things.

" guess that makes sense, I'll write that down in case i ever want to try it out "

He smirks weakly trying to lighten the mood... or at least his.

"And so this in fact is the sleeping medicene for Michael! I don't want you to fall fully sleep so a little bit will work just fine.

Glitch snickers "yes well you won't be doing that again "

William seems to hold his breath before speaking " guess not.."

"Now I'll be going inside your head looking for a memory to attach myself to. It just needs to have a strong emotion to it. You used agony but whatever you have is fine ."

" good luck with that, not very emotional i have been told so hope you fucking struggle finding one "

Glitchtrap chuckled, his eyes starting to glow "you better hope I do find one"

William would stiffen a little in fear for Michael in case he didn't in fact find one.

the rabbit suit pushed the needle into a vein, starting to push the liquid meds into williams system.

will winces as he feels the needle go in

"I grabbed the strongest stuff I could find!" glitch said gleefully "so it should start working in a few moments" after a minute or so, the rabbit pulled the needle out of wills arm, humming. 

will could hardly believe this was all over him accidentally spilling one of the viles on his desk. If he hadn't been such an idiot , non of this would of happened. True to what glitchtrap said he felt the effects pretty quickly, becoming drowsy , thoughts becoming a bit hazy. 

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now