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william briefly would wake up at some time, half asleep still. He accidentally knocked his elbow on the table into the files in his half asleep daze, shifting and murmuring something inaudible. before of course, promptly falling asleep again. 

The last vile on the end of the table, the one that was more faded and not as bright as some of the others, had williams name messily scrawled across it on a piece of tape.

 The nudge of his elbow against the viles caused them to shake in the little stand they all were set in, and the last fell off the table. it's fall was broken by the suit, and at first nothing happened. 

A crack slowly formed after a second, and it rolled down the dusty fabric a bit more. 

The liquid started to leak out of the glass, slowly seeping in through it as the night goes on. 

the hard fabric eyes glowed a slight purple before everything went still again, and the night was silent once more.

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now