Ch. 2 Page 10

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Ennard struggled to keep itself intact, its neck barely even there anymore. The wires snapped, only a few remained

"WhY aRe yOu-" its voice became distorted and low. A few whispers came out of nowhere until it finally collapsed, lights beginning to fade. The whispers seemed to continue for a fair amount of time and low grumbles also seemed to emanate from it. It let go of William's
arms, and the man pulls himself away a little shocked it worked so effectively.

Michael sighed dropping the wrench on the ground, the metal landing with a clang. William rubbed the side of his face breathing heavily.

"Holy crap-".

"Yeah" the boy breathed, crawling away from the animitronic.

"You alright?" he turned to look at Will.

"I- me? "He looked over at Mike, giving him an anxious and worried expression. The boy looked awful. His body had his own blood all over it, some of it seeping through his shirt from the previous
wound. His right hand was crushed, covered in blood. His left foot, the one Ennard had begun to stand on, was also pretty beaten up. His throat had started to form ugly purplish blue bruises on it, as with his arms and legs. That was only what it looked like, the pain was much worse.
Michael looks at William, pain written all over his face as much as he tried to hide it.

"I mean..."

"What about you?!" He seemed a little more nervous and worried than usual, as one would expect.

"You need way more fucking help and you should be the one being asked
that, not me"

"You did have an axe pressed- pressed to your throat"

"That's beside the point- you need help more than I do, wasn't that deep anyhow, so I should be fine. What the hell did that thing do to you!? God knows what the damage is"

Michael sighed heavily "probably .. broken bones.. i just...sit here for a second ok-"he mumbled, standing up, and then limping to the wall. Mike clumsily sat down before speakinh again.

"Just let me catch my breath-"He tried to crack a small smile at William.  

Will nods in understanding, though he didn't return the smile. His face was twisted into a worried expression. He sighed slightly, rubbing the front of his neck before sinking down to inspect the animatronic. 

Michael sighed again and leaned his head against the wall. He rubbed his arm, wincing as he did so; just trying to lessen the pain even a little bit. William silently listened in the
direction Mike was sitting, just in case Ennard swung back to life.

Will wove his hand into the animatronics pulling out bits of wire. 

"Hmm "he was debating whether to go and get the first aid kit. Then again, he didn't want the same thing to happen so he disregarded the idea.

Michael watched his father with some curiosity.

"whatya- um- what are you doing?"

Will looks a little surprised.

"Just inspecting it, and such. The model, the wires, strength, if anything is buried in this thing, and –" he pauses noticing a little bit of glow wove into the wires.

"-other things" He uses his axe to cut one part of the wire off and stuffs it in his pocket.

"Why do you ask?"

Mike shakes his head

"No reason..." He winced as he breathed

"I think it tore out the stitches again. Just put them in too. Not that I put them in too well" he smiled slightly. William looks over a little worried again.

"If it hurts to talk don't- "his expression was completely serious and he looks at him, a sad smile given in return.

"I mean, you aren't a bloody doctor so-"a sigh followed.

Michael leans his head up against the wall once more

"yeah well... couldn't really go to one-"he winced again.

"Though I'm probably going to need one..."

"Fuck- right - you can't really go to one - maybe you could, who knows. Just as long as
you aren't in as much pain as right now- " he half whispers to himself

"That would be good-"

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now