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He swings the piece of wood as hard as he can at the things torso. Will is well aware that it may not do much damage to the mechanical being, but he doesn't even care. He only wants to take even at the very least a little bit of revenge on the thing. 

Just as his crude excuse for a weapon was about to hit it, the creature grabbed the wood, wrapping its wires around it. Its gaze doesn't leave William, and grows seemingly more amused at his feeble attempt to attack it. 

Will looks at it with a challenging stare, even though he was slightly afraid of the power in the thing. He lets go of the wood, not dropping his gaze. 

The creature stares at him for a second before harshly shoving him to the side. 

Suddenly Michael gasps and a short shallow cry of pain follows, breaking the small bit of silence. As it echoed across the room.

 William stumbles a little but quickly regains his balance. He hastily looks over at Mike, then back to the creature. 

"Don't. Go near him. Again. I swear you won't have two feet to stand on if you do-"

The robot  tilts its head again at this. It looks as if its processing what William was saying, and seems to take it as a challenge. It begins to walk towards the boy, who was painfully oblivious to the world around him in his daze. 

Michael groans and winces in pain as he attempts to get back on his feet. 

"FUCK - leave him the fuck alone you bastard he hasn't done anything to you!!" Will tried to look for anything else he could possibly use as a weapon. 

"Agh- s-shit" Michael groans again, cursing as a little pain flairs up. 

The thing seems to stop for a moment almost thinking about what it should do. 

"That's right, move along you bastard." William growls. 

The creature turns it head to glare at him, and then decides to continue onward to its destination. 

"Dad...?" Michael seems unsure about this, only recognizing his father's voice. His gaze is blurry and he's still dazed from the pain. 

"Fuck! Um..." William knew that if he did anything or got a weapon it would be no use and he decided to do the only thing he could think of. He quickly goes from behind it, jumping on it and scrabbling to find any sort of computer hardware that could be operating this thing. He wanted  to turn it off if possible or weaken it if he could.

The thing stops in its tracks. Will can feel his heart drop into his stomach 


Its head turns all the way around, every wire in its neck seeming to creak. It's now looking William straight in the eyes. Suddenly it speaks in the most misshapen raspy voice, with chunks of the fun time animatronics voices scattered here and there. 

"You... took others' lives... you caused.. his... why - do- you- care" it cocks its head eyes glinting.

"W-what?" he had been  expecting it to harm him for his stupid actions not speak, and especially not that question. 

"I- Well of course I care-"he half mumbles the response, glancing away for a moment. He quickly glared back at it straight in the eyes with a harsh cold gaze. 

The creature's eyes glitter with curiosity, devoid of empathy or feeling. 

In the meantime, Michael had managed to stumble to his feet, wincing as he talked

 "agh- D-Dad- what the hell is-"

The creature whips its head back around to look at where the sound came from. Will jerks his head over to look at his son 

"Mike! Don't come ANY closer!!" he tries to say it loudly so Michael could hear him, but also to draw the animatronics attention back to him so it would leave the boy alone. William keeps attempting to rip out wires on the robotic spaghetti mess, just to stop it. 

An idea suddenly crossed his mind. Swiftly, he grabbed some of the largest and deepest wires woven into the animatronics torso, wrapping them around his hands. He leans forwards as much as he could, then swung completely backwards holding onto the wires his legs bent as he hangs horizontal pushing his shoes against the back of its legs in an attempt to topple it over.

It looked surprised as it fell over, and for a split second so did Will. He had hoped it would work, but in all honesty hadn't expected it to. 

It tried to grab William, its previous control and calmness gone as it scrabbled to break free

Will pulls himself away from it;  still holding onto some of its wires an odd look of glee in his gaze. He glanced around for something to wrap the wires around, making sure to dodge its grasp.

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now