Ch.1 Page 2

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(im sorry i suck at coming up with chapter names it was hard coming up with a story name lmfao sorry)

"What was that? Do you want to tell me something? That little THING you muttered under your breath?" Will glares at him.


The young man looked at his father coldly, tears in his eyes.

"All I ever wanted was a normal life with a normal family. All I ever wanted was for you to be PROUD of me and actually CARE about me. But all I ever seemed to be was your SOLE mistake."

William seems barely fazed by this "Well I'm sorry to break it to ya-" he leans over and says in mocking tone. "-but life isn't fair is it, little Mikey? Can't always get what we want, can we?"

Michael looks down, away from Will. There was a couple moments of silence before anybody spoke again.

"You know...I could've just moved on and lived a normal life. I didn't have to try to fix everything that you and I did. Never the less... I'm here. I'm undead and still trying to fix both of our mistakes."

Michael looked back at his father. "I thought... I thought that maybe you could've changed. I guess... I guess some people can't change. You're still the man who never cared about anything except yourself, not even your own kids." Mike sighs and squeezes his eyes shut before starting to turn around to leave.

Once again, William is seemingly unfazed by his son's distress.

"Bye then." he smiles and waves. Briefly, he feels the urge to apologize and his smile drops a little as Michael turns away. He doesn't act on the desire but instead just stands there; half of his face enveloped in darkness. Will looks to the side, away from his son.

Michael stops for a second, his gaze not leaving the floor. He waits for a second, hoping his father would say something, anything.

"So that's it then, is it?"

William glances at him, slightly shocked the boy even spoke. His emotion barely shows on his face despite his feelings.

"Well...what else?"

Mike begins to say something but his voice cuts off and his eyes grow wide.

"I-" a choking gurgling sound ensues from the boys throat, breaking the short silence between the two of them.

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now