Ch.1 Page 7

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Michael tries to stand up, wincing as he gets back on his feet.

"Dad what the hell is this -this thing-??? Did you build it??

William was still standing in front of his son protectively, glaring at the machine in the fog.

"I don't remember that much of this fucking thing- made it as a sort of prototype test at first, sat in pizza world for a while. Disappeared though. I presumed someone had thrown it out, guess not- does look different then I remember. Where the fuck did the eyes come from on the body?"

He seemed to be half talking to himself, while still acknowledging Mike was there and directing the answer towards him.

The smoke was clearing and Ennard seemed to be a bit angrier then before. Michael shrugged a little bit, studying the eyes on it.  

"I dunno..." He looked at the eyes, suddenly recognizing a bright green one on the body.

He nudged his father and pointed to it.

"What is I-? - " Will looks over at him questioningly and then to where he was pointing. It takes him a second for him to realize what Mike meant but it clicked pretty soon.

"Oh- Got to hand it to them all, extremely smart how they did it though- " He seems to be uneasy as he looks at the robot.

Michael made a choking sound.

 "Does that mean that Liz was -" His face paled and he looked sick.

The smoke had now completely cleared and Ennard was looking straight at them both.

William seemed a lot less effected for well- obvious reasons but he couldn't help but look at Mike in confused. 

" ?.. was what? "

Michael looked over at will, still looking sick. 

"Dad...that thing was inside of me"

William was silent as he processed this, realization finally sinking in as to what the boy meant. 


Michael tried steadying himself from the pain and sickness, putting his hand on William's shoulder.

"-" Will  just looks at him for a moment, and looks as if he's about to say something. He reluctantly stops himself and instead just accepts it, letting out a small grumble.

Michael groaned, seemingly oblivious to his fathers mild discomfort.  

"Whatever lets- lets just- " he was cut off as Ennard suddenly began talking.

Ennards raspy voice filled the room, his head slowly creaking over in Mikes direction. 

"d -o you re. Member w-what it felt like?" He tilts his head, his gaze finally settling on the boy after a few minutes. The wires on his body were moving like thousands of live snakes, crawling around slithering on top of each other; twisting around one another.

The color drained from Michaels face again.


William glances between his son and the robot quizzically.

"I- of course I remember..." his voice trailed off into a hoarse whisper.

 "I died- the pain was-" He was cut off once again by the animatronic.

"D-do you remember how sHARP it was? It slic-ced through you just like butter"  Some sort of wheezing, scratchy laugh seemed to bubble up from inside of it. It filled the silence, echoing in the room.

Mike winced remembering how it felt, putting his hand on his chest. The current pain was still in his body and a sharp stab of it made him flinch and squeeze his eyes shut for a second. 

Will grits his teeth 

"Shut the fuck up- " it was a low but irritated mumble.

Ennard turned its head so unbelievably slow that you could hear every single wire attached to his neck creak and rub together. It stared at William. 

"W-w h y S h O u ld i? Y o u where the o n e who Caused him to be k. Kill e d "

Ennard shifts its head again, his gaze restIng in between the two men now. 

"h H ow fu n you t w o are!! Yo u can't stop t-TEARING each other apart!"

Michael just stared at the animatronic.

"wha-what do you want from us" he asked in a low tone.

"Entertainment, it was so boring before you came along" a laugh once again escapes it, still looking between them. 

"It was so much FUN scooping your organs out. You screamed so loud..." it's voice was far too happy and wistfull for the current situation.

Mike put his hands on his head, almost as if he was trying to block out its words. 

"J- just shut up-! Just go- if-if the whole point was to kill us, why haven't you?!"

William gave his son a small glare. 

"I'd rather not die, thank you very much. Don't bring me back into this Michael." His tone was harsh. 

Mike opts to ignore his statement, the only acknowledgment he heard Will was  side glancing at him in annoyance. It seemed Ennard chose to ignore the older man as well.

"L-likE i said...entertainment " the eyes on its body glow a little brighter.

William looked at the animatronic, shifting a little as he became a tad more nervous for some reason.

 "n-not entertainment in me k..killing you. wHerees the fun In ThaT? One a Lrea DY p r actically KillEd the othe r just by coexisting, iMagine the fUn if you're PittEd agaiNst each OtHe r!"

"I- th- Thats-" Michael stumbled backwards a little while processing the goal of the robot in front of him.

Will gave the robot a cold hard, slightly angry stare.

"Shut up you fucking- one that was an accident and two, no - we would not...not intentionally..." His voice had started out sharp and confident, but he slowly lost his defiant tone as he continued to get more and more uneasy.

Michael had finally had just about enough of listening to Ennards plans.

"Tha-Thats it- just- just shut the fuck up!!!-" he angrily took the wrench from his belt where he had put it and threw it at as hard as he could at the robot.

Ennards movements suddenly became agile, completely contrasting the creaking slowness it had shown before. It glared at the young man, catching the wrench with one of its snake like wires which protruded from its back. It then proceeding to place the tool in its hands, grabbing it and bending it completely in half with little to no effort. The wrench began to crack, the sound mirroring bones being stepped on. It broke the tool in half, and threw it harshly against the ground, the metal landing on the floor with a loud ringing clang. It spoke once more, a note of anger in its voice directed at Michael.

 "yo -your lucky you aren't dEA D boy...i coul D easily Sn a p and CR A Ck e-every SIngLe bone in your fragile, weak, little body. It wo u ld  be so amusing to see h-how loud you could Sc r eam. It was certainly entErtAiN g when you w eRe killed the First time."

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now