Ch.1 Page 10

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"Ah- thanks" michael shifts against the wall, looking over at William.

Will shrugs. "It's whatever, don't mention it. And I mean that seriously, it'll ruin my image."

He throws them over to the boy 


Mike caught them, chuckling a tad. 

"Not sure what image you're talking about, but my lips are sealed. Don't have anybody to tell anyways..." He sighed, starting to unbutton his shirt.

William looks at him questioningly. 

"Um...the stitches i put where i uh- got scooped came out...I'll have to redo it when i get back to my place but.. this should hold it for now"

He started to wrap the bandages around his middle after taking off his shirt completely.

"Wait... why the fuck did you do the stitches yourself??? You're not a Doctor- didn't you ask anyone to like help?? Maybe like... I dunno, the scummy kids you where friends with back when Chris was still around?" He had a genuine look of confusion plastered on his face.

Mike looked up at his father, stopping putting the bandages on.

"Oh- dont remember...? After- after chris died they just- seemed to forget about me. I- I shut everyone else out, and i havent really made any new friends... didn't go out too much after Chris died anyways... " michael looked uncomfortable. 

"I didnt go to a doctor either because- well im kind of a zombie if you hadn't noticed. I was a little afraid theyd do expiriments on me, as stupid as that sounds" He continues to bandage himself now.

"How the fuck do you forget someone you spent like a fuck ton of time with?? And eh - i mean they probably would of if you did go . You know thinking youre an alien or some weird shit cos seems like some people don't have a brain. Kids are fucking stupid too. 

"I mean- yeah- i guess. They at least pretended they didnt know who i was. Never reached out, never talked to me. Though... after what I did- I wouldn't want to hang out with me either..." He finished bandaging himself and tied it off, the dried blood on his fingers making marks on the clean bandages around his stomach. He began buttoning his shirt back, being careful not to move too much.

William looks uneasy at the blood caking his sons fingers, even if he had seen blood on countless occasions.

"...maybe you should wash off, seen as you have blood on yer hands-"

Michael kinda laughs a little. 

"you should look at your hands, they arent too clean either. And i mean, my shirts pretty much stained with it"

Will stops to and thinks for a moment 

"... OH - well it is true i have blood on my hands metaphorically speaking and sometimes literally, but - yeah. ya should still wash it off and change yer shirt- makes me- " he mumbles the next part quietly.

"...uncomfortable -"

Mike looks up confused at his father. He thinks he heard what William had said, but wasn't quite sure.

"Wait- what was the last thing you said..?"

He's baffled to why his father, William Afton, the child murderer, is so insistant on him washing the blood off of his hands. 

William clears his throat and just looks over at his son nervously trying to keep a calm expression.

"...uh it's nothing "

Michaels spirit rises a little, though he doesn't show it. Maybe... maybe his father did care about him. Mike shrugged.

"alright, fine ill wash em off when I get back to the house."he tries to stand up using the wall as a handle sort of.

"Yeah....that's uhhh good? Should be getting going then to your place -" he started to walk at a slower pace than usual so mike could at least somewhat keep up, still keeping his expression more neutral and blank than before.

"Mhmm. Itd be nice to rest for a while and change my clothes." Michael notices williams change of pace and smiles to himself.

"Yeah , can imagine. Bloods very uncomfortable and drys kinda odd an' patchy. it can take a lot to wash it out sometimes...yeah - itll be good for you to get em off" glances over at him but quickly looked back ahead again.

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now