Ch.2 Page 8

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Footsteps emerged again at a fair pace, Ennard looked over his shoulder, frustrated that the man would come back. It growled.

"what NOW-"

William had returned; this time carrying another axe. It was a lot smaller and alot less sharp, but still sharp enough to do a good amount of damage.

He came up behind Ennard, slicing of some wires from their base that were wrapped around Michael. The other axe was pressed to the robots' neck, yet again snapping a few wires. William seemed to grin madly at this, which was creepy and very unsettling, though it soon faded. Mike saw this and flinched at the expression, a little scared of it. He quickly forgot about it with the pain that Ennard was causing.

One of Ennards' claw like hands slashed across the right side of William's torso leaving three large rips in the side of his shirt and possibly his skin. He gasped suddenly, his grip loosening. Ennard took full advantage of this as it dropped Michael to the floor. Mike yelped as he hit the cold, hard marble tiles.

Ennard took its remaining wires and wrapped them around the hand that held the axe to its neck, as well as the axe itself. It began to turn it against him attempting to push it towards Williams's neck. It quickly became extremely close to his neck, Will was attempting to push it away from himself.

"Ever Wonder what DeCapaTATioN Feels like?" Ennard pushes it closer to his neck.

"-N-no and I don't plan to find out" Will lets go of the other axe holding the one by his neck with both hands, trying to push it away a little. To combat this, Ennard slams Will against the floor the blade beginning to press on his neck a little. He winces, vision slightly blurring.

"HoW dEep do yOu thiNk I Will HaVe To Go before you start ScReaMING? "

Will somewhat laughs at this

"Ya know, that sounds like you got some fucking kink for scr-" It pushes the axe a little more into William's neck, and he lets out a small scream.

Will gets a rush of adrenaline, fully pushing the axe off his neck. However, Ennard was an animatronic, and William was merely human. This gave the robot an unfair advantage over him.

It pushed the axe back down, struggling a minimal amount. Everything suddenly seemed to morph together and there's a buzzing ringing in his ears. Will tries to escape, but Ennard prevents him from moving. The realization he might not get out from this sinks in.

Michaels arm is tingling with pain, it feels like fire is inside his bones. He grimaces and hears the struggle between the two. The daze of pain he was in gave into worry and fear for his father. He tries to think of an idea and finds one.

He suddenly remembers the contraption William had given him earlier; the one that could stop an animatronic for a little bit. He winces as he pulls it out forgetting about the broken bones for a second. He quickly starts it up and hears his father scream; he looks over to see Ennard pushing the axe against his neck.

"C'mon, c'mon..." he frantically tries to make it go faster.

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now